Chapter 7

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Marco POV

I just finished all my calls for today, it is around 12:00 so I think maybe I will bring Bex some lunch. I can't get her out of my head and I know I should, but it is impossible. My dad would say feeling something for a girl I have had a solid 3 conversations with would make me weak, and maybe he is right, not that his opinion matters anymore.

I look up from my desk to see the boys spread out on the couches and chairs I have in my office. I love my office, it is big with dark wood and furniture and huge windows. I have bookshelves and pictures and it just makes working more enjoyable. Usually it is just me in here, but because we have to keep our plans for the Mexican Mafia and our personal shipments on the down low to avoid any leaks, all of us are in here today. 

I find myself staring at Enzo, wondering if he is more of a wingman for Bex, or an overprotective big brother. So far, it is hard to tell and I want to ask him the questions that have been on my mind for the last day or so. 

"Hey Enzo," I say as he looks up at me. "Soooooo, does Bex have a boyfriend or something?"

Enzo looks me dead in the eyes, an eyebrow raised, and a smile slowly creeping on to his face.

"Why do you wanna know? Is Mr. I'm the baddest and scariest leader of the Italian Mafia also known as Mr. I have never had a real relationship getting the hots for my best friend?" Enzo says, now grabbing the attention of the rest of the boys. 

You see, I don't do relationships that mean anything, so me asking about some girl is quite rare."Shut up stronzo, just answer the damn question, is she dating, boys?" I say. You never know.

"My dearest and most incredible and beautiful friend Bexley is in fact not dating anyone at the moment. However if you break her, I will break your balls. Anyways... OH MY GOD THIS IS PERFECT. My two best buds in love and together forever, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes a bunch of little babies, obviously one will be named Enzo because I will be the cool uncle and -", Enzo rambles on, laughing with the other guys, but is interrupted by my doors slamming open.

We all stand up abruptly, guns raised, our instincts taking over from someone coming into my office uninvited. We stand down when we realize it's one of my day guards.

He looks at us with worry on his face. "Boss, you're not gonna like this. We heard a loud sound near the north side of the house so I ordered the men near the garage to check it out. They came back confused, there was nothing there. But then they see the door to the garage from outside has been locked from the inside, we think a group of men have infiltrated the garage to try and break into the house!"

My heart beats rapidly. "Bex", I murmur without even thinking. I need to get to her. I look over at Enzo and see him look scared, I have never seen him look that terrified in his life. If she gets hurt because she is helping me, he will never forgive me, or himself.

The boys and I start running, guns raised. I am scared, why you might ask, because Bex is in there and for some reason I fear for her.

We storm into the garage and round a corner, my heart stopping when I comprehend what I am seeing. 7 men from the Mexican Mafia are surrounding Bex, who seems to have been able to knock out the 8th man and is holding his gun to his head. Wait, she can fight? Damn, she is badass. 

My thoughts are disturbed when she looks at Enzo and yells, her voice breaking, "YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME YOU ARE PART OF A FUCKING MAFIA STRONZO!"

My heart feels like it shattered right there, right then. How could I forget she doesn't know we are a Mafia, she  never expected or prepared for this to happen. When this is over, will she ever look at me the same? 

I look closely at her and see that she is shaking in both fear and anger. Yeah, she is badass and could fight, clearly way stronger than I thought, but she must be still shocked and terrified. 

I am fucking angry as hell. That is Bex, my Bex, my Principessa, and I will not let these son of a bitches hurt her. But before I can jump in, she speaks up. "Zozo, strawberry milkshake, you ready?"

All of us are extremely confused, including the men surrounding Bex, but Enzo seems to know, and the fear in his eyes is replaced with ambition, something I only see when he is about to take down people, he loves it. 

They say together "5, 4, 3, 2-", and then before they get to 1, both Enzo and Bex are in action.

Bex shoots from behind the unconscious man, hitting the men closest to her right in the arm that is holding their gun, guns dropping and blood flying everywhere. Enzo is tackling the guys that Bex hasn't hit yet, so that they can't get a shot at her. 

Before the guards or the rest of us men react, Enzo and Bex have singlehandedly taken down all the Mexicans, yet leaving them alive for interrogations later.

Before I even realize what I am doing, I run to Bex and grab her into my arms, completely burying her because she is so small. I can feel her warmth seeping into my skin, but can still feel her slightly tremble. I pull away when I realize how weird this is and look down, to see that she is already looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Are you ok, that was fucking incredible!" I say, tucking a piece of loose hair from her pony tail behind her ear. 

She slightly pulls away from me, but grabs me by my forearms instead of completely breaking the connection. "Yeah, I'm fine, well I will be in two seconds after I KILL ZOZO!" she says, with an innocent look and a devilish grin.

Then she looks over at Enzo, lets go of my arms which slightly upsets me, and yells "Start running motherfucker!"

The next I know, Enzo is running faster then I have ever seen, with Bex right on his heels. 

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