Chapter 32

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"I love you."

What the fuck. Did Marco actually just say that to me. Emotion floods my chest, filling my body, my heart is beating faster than it ever has.

I love him too. I have known for a while but I wasn't sure if he was ready for that yet; if I was ready. He is everything to me, just everything. I need him in my life and he needs me and I am so fucking happy.

I turn to tell him just yet, in the process slipping from the bottom of the bath tub. He grabs me before my face slaps into the water, he will always catch me, and I just giggle. I look up into his eyes, he is already staring at me. The connection I feel once our eyes meet is so powerful I could cry.

He is mine and I am his and this is our moment. I know he can feel it too because as I cup his jaw he is trembling so hard. His impossibly green eyes hold a vulnerability I have never seen. My big bad mafia Don, trembling because he loves me and he knows I love him and am going to say it. Words I doubt he has ever heard from anyone but his mother.

"Oh baby," I say. "I lo-"


We both duck into the water, as the window besides us breaks, glass flying everywhere. We sit up quickly, both in fight mode. Marco pulls me up and starts looking around.

"What the hell was that?" he says.

"I'm not sure baby." I look around and spot a black rounded object on the floor. What is that? I step out of the bath tub and go take a look.

"Principessa, get away from there I'm gonna call my cousin and get him to bring the guys." Marco says.

I take one step more and realize what it is. "MARCO RUN NOW WE GOT TO GO!" I scream. He jumps out of the bath grabs my hand and we sprint from the room as a type of grenade I have never seen before goes off behind me.

The force of the explosion throws us forwards. Marco grabs me, pulling him into his chest as he turns his back to the wall. We fly through it, the room collapsing, all I see is fire, fire everywhere. The noise is too loud, my ears ringing, I can't focus on anything expect the harsh thud of impact running through my body once we hit the ground.

I can't focus on what happened. Then I realize. Marco covered my body with his, I landed on him. Oh my god.

I spin around and see Marco, unconscious on a mountain of rubble. He blocked the impact my body would take with his own. This man.

I quickly got up, searching for clothes as we were both still naked saying, "Marco, we got to get up we are under attack." I look around the room we were in. It must have been the only other apartment on this floor. Most of it is destroyed, the wall where we came through has completely collapsed. Parts of the ceiling are falling. I can smell smoke and I know the fire will reach us soon.

I find a random shirt and pull it over my head. "Marco get the fuck up the smoke will kill us if whoever bombed us doesn't first, lets go."

I whip my head around back to where Marco was lying when I realize he hasn't answered even my first order. Shit. I run over to where he his, collapsing on my knees.

"Marco, baby, MARCO!" I scream. He isn't answering. My worst fears are surfacing. No, he must be ok. I grab his shoulders and shake. "Marco, are you ok wake up."

He doesn't answer. I can't think rationally, I know we need to leave but that isn't the first thing on my mind. I feel for his pulse. I let out a scream. 

This is it. I can't feel his pulse. Or maybe I can but my hands are shaking so bad. His chest isn't moving, I don't know if he is breathing. 

Everything is spinning, I can't think I can't feel I can't process anything. All I know is that my hands are roaming his skin, I'm hitting his chest, shaking him, kissing any part of his body available. I am shaking so bad it feels like I'm going into a seizure. 

I scream at the sky, the fire is now on the ceiling. "Marco, Marco get up PLEASE."

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, please don't die. You can't do this to me." I tell him, my voice breaking at every word. 

The door slams open and whip around seeing 10 guys I recognize as Mexican Mafia members spill into the room, their guns all pointing at me.

Fuck this isn't good, I need to get me and Marco out of here. Hopefully his cousin put silent alarms in here or something and they are coming soon. But I can't sit around and wait, these guys want to kill Marco, and if he's not dead already, I can't let that happen.

Just the though that Marco is probably dead clears my head. My vision is clear, my head isn't ringing, and I can focus on one thought. Marco is dead, and it is their fault.

This puts me into action.

I run towards the man closest to me and jump kick him right in the face before he can realize I got up. Bullets start flying but they don't seem to hit me, or maybe they do but I am so angry that the one person I have is gone and they took him away from me.

I grab the gun of the guy I just kicked unconscious and start shooting. One guy down, two guys, three guys. My gun runs out of bullets. Oh well, I guess I will just have to fight. 

I grab the guy by his head and knee him in the face, then knee him in the balls. I twist his arm hearing it snap and he screams out like a baby. I throw him to the flood then move on. I run and jump onto the next guy, hooking my legs around his neck and twisting. We fall to the floor and I know he's dead.

I use his body as a weight and throw him onto the next guy. I'm not sure where this strength came from but I am on so much adrenaline right now it doesn't matter. I right hook another guy wile kicking a different guy in the knees. Punch, punch, kick, knee, hook, kick, punch, over and over and over.

I have two guys left, that aren't dead are crying on the ground like babies. The door slams open again, all of us look towards it. A man I have never seen before walks in. But he must be powerful considering the two guys salute at him once he enters. 

"I order 10 of my best men to capture the girl and almost all of you are beat up. What the hell!"

And then he shoots the men that are crying on the ground. Fuck. I turn to run at him, but he shoots me in the leg.

I was shot. WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS MAN THINK HE IS???? I can't even feel it because I'm so worked up.

I go to get up and give this son of a bitch a piece of my mind but I can't. My leg failed again and again. It won't move. I look down and see the blood pouring out of it. Then I realize I'm getting light headed, my vision is going in and out. The pain both physically and mentally is getting to me.

The men left standing approach me. I try and fight them, I try and get up, but I can't. 

"Boss wanted her alive so don't shoot her." says the man that walked in later. 

No. I can't go. I need to be with Marco. I can't leave him here. I start yelling uncontrollably.

"MARCO MARCO MARCO BABY BABY GET UP PLEASE. YOU CAN DIE PLEASE DON'T BE DEAD. Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, please Marco. I love you..."

The man kicks me in the head and I fall into darkness, the only person I see is Marco. 

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