Chapter 16

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I punch Enzo in the face, and don't regret it one bit. I did feel bad though when I realized it looked like they all had bruises on their bodies already, though none of them looked too hurt, even Marco which made me relax a little. However, this did not end my anger.

Enzo has a key to my place, but he knows I am so embarrassed of it, I never even let him come that often. I take a step back and try to push down the tears threatening to fall, I am so exhausted and so done with the day, this was the last thing I needed.

I went over to the kitchen to start making some soup or something for the boys. Even though I was pissed, they must not have had dinner yet. I yell at Enzo without looking up, "Fucking explain right now or I'm kicking you all out!"

Enzo talks fast, "Angel, I am so sorry, I know you hate living here and hate when people come here, although you have made this place cozy so I don't see why, but we had no other choice. When the Mexicans realized we played them, they started shooting at us, and then ran. We chased after them, got in lots of brawls, but thanks to Marco, everyone got out fine."

That made me smile a bit. Gio continues, "The Mexicans had a helicopter and a sniper shooting at us from there, we couldn't risk going back to our base, it was too far and in the open. The docks aren't too far from here and Enzo said he had a key and could take us here, but still felt awful about it. I don't see why though. This building sure is a shit show, but you've made this place really nice!"

Marco continues, "Principessa, you shouldn't feel ashamed of your circumstances, this place feels very homy, I mean look at all the photos of you and Enzo hahah, or the knick knacks everywhere. Enzo explained to us that they all have a deep meaning to you. This place is just as much as a home as our base."

I calm down and look up at them and smile, feeling better. I fill the bowls with some soup and pass them to the boys, then I grab an ice pack and apologize to Enzo.

 "Ok boys, you can stay here tonight, but I'm afraid this apartment is really only meant for one person. The couch is a pull out, although it's not that comfy, but two of you can sleep on it. Those two chairs pull out too, it's just as comfortable as the couch, and I have one air mattress".

I go to the tiny excuse of a closet and pull out extra blankets and pillows. The thing of having broken windows and no heating is that the apartment gets really cold. I toss them to the boys and stand up, rubbing my eyes.

"Look I had a really hard shift tonight, I smell like whiskey, and if I don't fall asleep in the next 5 minutes, I think I'll be a zombie."

They laugh at me and I say goodnight, then turn off the lights and head into my bathroom, where I take a quick shower, and then wrapped in a towel, enter my room. I'm shocked back awake when I see a shirtless Marco in my bed.

'What the fuck!" I exclaim, and Marco grins. "You must be so tired you didn't count right, the only place for me to sleep is here with you."

 I am sure we can figure out some other place for him, but I am too tired to care. I walk over to the closet and pull on an oversized sweatshirt, then hop into bed next to him.

"Principessa," he whispers as we lay side by side on our backs, shoulders touching. "I want you to know I would never judge you for being or having less than what we are used to in the Mafia. You are extremely strong and have been through some tough shit, yet still kind to everyone. You are so important to everyone at the base, including me, and I am very thankful that you let us stay here, even though I know you hate it."

I turn to him and stare into his eyes, the moonlight from my window hitting his face so perfectly, he looks like a god. I smile, and he kisses me, and then I roll on to his chest, and fall asleep.





My eyes shoot open, I am sprawled on the bed, my arms shaking and grabbing at something hard. Then I realize Marco is hovering on top of me, pinning my arms and legs down with his body, and I am grabbing at his shoulders so tightly I'll probably leave bruises.

I let go of him, and try to calm down my heart rate and breathing, but I can't fight back the tears anymore. Marco lets me sob into the crook of his neck, relaxing his body on mine, just enough so that the pressure calms me down. He runs his finger tips along my jaw and my lips and then cups my face, letting me just cry it out.

'It's ok Principessa, I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you." He then rolls us over until I am now on his chest, and he runs his fingers through my hair, shushing me, and rubbing his other hand up and down my back. He keeps doing that until my tears are just silent, and I have stopped trembling.

"You can talk to me if you want, or we can just lie here until you're ready to sleep?"

I lift my head and stare into his eyes, instantly feeling relief and safety, and I can't help myself when all the words come tumbling out.

"My dad, my god he despised me. I slept in the bathroom, I didn't have a room. I had to enroll myself in school and walk almost an hour and a half every day. I would get home and he would beat me, I would make dinner and he would beat me, I would wake up and he would beat me. It first started with choking, then slapping, then full on punching and kicking until I was on the floor, basically unconscious. Then he started to use things when I was 12, knives and my god the whips were so bad. He would chain me up in the basement, practically torturing me for no reason. I'm going to be honest, if it was not for Enzo, I probably would have ended it."

Those words I have never said out loud, to that extent of the truth. It makes me sob again, and Marco clutches me even closer. I could have sworn I see tears in his eyes, but it is replaced by pure anger. "I swear, if your dad ever comes back, I will not let him harm anyone again." 

With that, he holds me and whispers sweet and random things into my ear, until I fall asleep once again. 

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