Chapter 19

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Marco POV

"So, do I look as sexy as I feel?" Bex states, cracking a grin that was almost convincing enough to make me smile.

Enzo rushes towards her, but she flinches when he reaches out to pick her up. Shit, I know she didn't mean to, this means she really is scared. Enzo looks like he's about to have a breakdown, and Bex starts trembling. 

She looks awful. Her head is bloody, she has a huge cut along her eyebrow, and one black eye, a bleeding lip, and a bloody nose, although I don't think it's broken.

Not to mention her bare legs shooting out of her skirt look bruised and bloody as well, also she is clutching her ribs which could be broken, hopefully just bruised. Gio and Rosco approach her, "Hey," Gio says, "Can I help you up?"

Bex nods, but as soon as he gets close, she flinches again. He steps back and Rosco kneels in front of her, and begins asking about her injuries, but not getting too close. Ok, I was right, it's just cuts and bruises, nothing is broken. This seems to snap me out of my daze because I haven't moved yet and realize I should. 

I walk to her and kneel in front of her. "Hey Principessa," I say gently, looking into her watery eyes, that have caused her mascara to run down her face. 

I slowly, very slowly move my hand towards her face, making sure she can see and track it with her eyes. I then, very slowly move to push a strand of her hair, that fell onto her face, behind her ear. She shudders, but is ok.

This is good. "Principessa, I am going to lift you up and take you home, to my home, you're going to be ok." She nods and I move towards her again, placing one hand under her knees, and sliding the other between her back and the wall, until I have her up in my arms, pressed against my chest.

Enzo looks at her, the look in his eyes saddening. I can see now that he blames himself just as I did, that if he didn't offer her this job, she wouldn't have been pissed enough to throw a dangerous guy out.

I carry her into my car, everyone somber and worried. We all saw the extent of her injuries, how she will probably be in so much pain, how the bruises and cuts won't fade for at least a week and a half. 

They boys attempt to make jokes, and she attempts to laugh, but I can feel her trembling and whimpering, silent tears falling from her face.

Once I strap her in, we drive off, the boys behind us, and we soon get to the house. The night guards all look at her, sad expressions as we walk in, they all care about Bex too. I walk upstairs, now just her and I as well as Enzo, and I carry her into my room, then the bathroom, placing her in a sitting position on the counter.

I quickly leave the bathroom and close the door, turning to Enzo. "It's not your fault Enzo."

He looks at me and says, "She is my best friend, my sister, and I couldn't even fucking protect her. I-I-, ughhh. Promise me you will take care of her, it seems you are the only one that can get near her."

I instantly feel bad. No wonder he looks like shit, when he tried to get close, she flinched, and he's known her the longest. Now here I am, being able to comfort her when nobody else can. 

I lightly touch his arm, "Enzo, she will be ok, its not your fault. I am sure by tomorrow she will want to speak with you." With that he nods, leaving the room, and I re-enter the bathroom to a silent Bex.

"I'm going to start a bath for you, ok?" I say. She nods and I start the bath, making sure the temperature is hot, but not scorching. I then take a washcloth to her face and wipe off the make up and blood. I pull her clothes off, and instead of getting hard from her beautiful body like usual, I stare at her curves and her stomach, shocked at what I'm seeing.

She is covered in already deep purple bruises, my poor baby. I have done similar things to traitors and enemies that left the grown men begging for me to stop. And here she is just silently trembling.

I pick her up and gently place her in the tub. I can hear her whimper slightly. I start to wash her gently, starting with the cuts, the bruises, I even wash her hair. The look in her eyes is blank, emotionless, completely broken, and it pulls at my heart. I lightly massage her muscles and let her sit a bit longer while I go to my closet and grab a shirt for her and some of my boxers.

When I come back she is still silent, I lift her up and dry her off in a warm towel, don't worry I already asked Angelo to put it in the dryer for a few moments first. I get her dressed and sit her down, while I take an old hairbrush I found and start tugging at her hair. Then I take some ointment and rub it on her bruises and cuts, making sure everything is clean and won't get infected.

When that's done I pull her into bed, laying her on my chest.  I know she must be in pain and that knowledge pains me. That's when she begins to cry, "It hu-hurts M-Marco. And wh-whats worse is it-its bringing back m-memories of my Dad!"

Shit. I forgot about that and how hard mentally this must be for her, not including her physical pain. I just hold her closer and stroke her hair as silent tears fall down her trembling face. My God, even though this is a bad time, I am falling for her. 

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