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AHHHHH Hey everyone! so so so sorry that its been tooooooo long and I have not updated this book. I have been trying my best to find motivation to write, and to basically do anything. Sorry didnt mean to get personal lmao but I hope everyone is well and doing good :)

I will try my best to update as much as possible thank you for reading and voting for all my books on the sweetea boys. Much Love <3

September  2, 2020

I finally get to go see Miguel. It's been five whole months since I've seen him. He's all I think about and I truly missed him more than anything. I was cleaning the house in the mean time.

*knock knock*

"Come in!" I yelled from the kitchen as I put the last dish away. "Lilah!" I heard Danny's voice. I turned around and smiled seeing Danny, Logan, and Julian. "Hey guys." I said walking over giving them a hug.

"Hey baby." I smiled and kissed Julian. "How've you been?" He asked still holding me in his arms. "Honestly I'm just really happy and excited." I smiled cheekily. He chuckled lightly and nodded.

"How have you guys been?" I asked as we all went to the dining table. "Been alright work still sucks." Logan admitted as I laughed. "I bet." I replied as we all started catching up with what we've been doing. I was just so excited to see Miguel I missed my baby boy.

*Knock Knock*

Soon the front. door opens to reveal Santi holding his phone up and Miguel. "Mama!" Miguel yelled "Miggy!" I responded back jumping to my feet running to my son as he jumped into my arms. "Oh my sweet boy." I basically sobbed as I held onto him tightly. "I missed you mama." He said into my shoulder.

"I missed you too my love" I said crying and laughing at the same time. I finally put him down wiping my tears. "Look at you did you get taller?" I asked smirking at him as he smiled "no but I grew my hair out!" He said excitedly as I giggled.

"You are so handsome my boy." I smiled caressing his face. I looked up to Santi "Thank you." I said as he smiled and nodded. "Mama I'm hungry ." Miguel complained. "Okay I'll make you some food. Go sit down and watch tv." I said as he nodded.


"Mama you keep pinching my cheeks." Miguel whined as I chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry baby I just missed you so much." I said weakly as he nodded And went back to his tablet.

Santi, Jayco and Jose were chatting away with Danny Logan and Frank. As I see Julian talking to Miguel. I smiled and walked over. "Mama, Julian said he can take me to get ice cream" Miguel said excitedly.

"Miggy we can't be going out too much." I said sternly. "Please mama." Hw said with pleading eyes. "Yeah please mama." Julian said with his puppy dog eyes as I rolled my eyes at the two.

"Fine, but you need to wear your mask okay?" I said as he jumped up and nodded excitedly. I laughed lightly as Julian helped Miguel put his jacket on and he went with the four boys out the door. 

Jayco and Jose didn't want to go and Santi didn't either so they just watched Tv and made tiktoks. "Mari I'm home!" I heard from the kitchen as I was clean. "Hey boys." I heard again as I knew it was Claudia.

"Claudia" Santi said as I looked over and smiled as they hugged. I finished up the dishes and dried my hands. "Got some groceries, and picked up a cake." My sister said putting the cake down and putting groceries away.

"He just left for ice cream he doesn't need a cake." I said. "It's been five months Mari, If I want to spoil my only nephew than I will." She said as I shook my head. "If he crashes because he had too much sugar you're taking care of him when he throws up." I said as she shrugged.

"Oh gosh how are you guys?" Claudia asked. "Been good, nothing new." Jose smiled being polite. "Jayco and you? Tienes novia o no?" She asked as we all laughed. "Callate!" He said "None of your business." He said as she ruffled up his hair laughing.

"I can ask you the same thing Claudia." Jayco smirked. "Oh get a room already!" I said throwing a pillow at his face as he laughed and she blushed lightly.


Soon the door opens with Danny and Frank walking in followed by Logan with Julian carrying a sleeping Miguel. "He crashed when we got in the car." Julian said as I giggled. "Come on." I said getting up and guiding him to Miguel's room. He placed him in his bed and tucked him in as I smiled.

"Thank you." I said quietly. He turned around and smiled. "Of course." Hw said walking towards me and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I missed your lips." I said as he smirked "I could say the same for yours." He said as I giggled. "Mari!" I heard as my sister ruined the moment. "What?" I asked as Julian held my hand walking out.

"Can I use your car tomorrow? I need to get gas but I don't want to." She said as I rolled my eyes. "I guess." I said. "Mari?" Julian asked confused. "That's my middle name." I said nodding "Mariposa." Claudia said. "I'm not gonna lie I forgot." Jose said as I threw a pillow at his head.

"Bitch." Hw said to me "Hoe." I retorted back. "So Delilah Mariposa." I said "Marypoza?" Julian butchered as I giggled "Mariposa." I said fluently "Mari Poza." "Mariposa." I said again "Mariposa." He finally said right as I laughed and nodded.

"Uh hello? We're still here. Stop eye fucking each other." Danny said. I grabbed another pillow and threw it at his head. "Shut up" I said as we all laughed. "Well it was good seeing you all good night." Claudia said going to her room.

"Yeah we gotta head out too." Jayco said as the three got up saying goodbye. "I'll walk you all out." I said as I opened the door for them. "Thank you again Santi." I said as he smiled and nodded giving me a hug. "Hey your my baby mama." Hw said as we both laughed.

"See you later."  I said walking back inside the house.


Sorry it was short :(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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