Chapter 3 - Moonlight

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~Knock Knock~

"Come in!" I shrieked. Christian walks through the door and studied me, from top to bottom. I knew how he could read me like an open book and I felt extra shy; realising I was only in a towel with my curly hair dripping water onto my shoulders. He doesn't say anything, he just stared at me.

"Did you want something?" I interrupted, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

"Uhhh...yes...actually..." he responded shyly, "can you wear something nice? He continued staring.

"Why?" I questioned, "it's not like it's a date or anything," I said, unsure of what his reply was going to be.

"Actually...would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks hesitantly. Oh My God!! Is this actually happening right now!! Should I say yes or no? Wait, what if this is a prank? Oh God, this is going to be so weird. I want to say yes but should I play hard to get?

"Yes...okay!" I shrieked a little too excitedly. He smirked proudly as if he had just won an award. I mean, I am amazing and I am a reward to anyone who meets me but why was he so happy. Wait why I am I blabbering on about this shit. God Tilly, grow up.

*1 hour later*

I waited outside the building, clutching onto my gold purse; casually tugging at the hem of my short skin tight dress. I wanted to look sexy but not make it too obvious and he did say he wants me to wear something dressy. I was absolutely freezing but I loved the way this dress hugged my hips and showed off my body perfectly. But I still felt self - conscious, OMG why am I feeling this way? Ugh, where is he? He's taking so long and I can't stand this weather! Wait...did he stand me up? Maybe it was all just a prank- I feel so overdressed, this is so embarrassing!!

Just as I thought of it, a sleek black limo drove up and the window rolled down. I saw his distant figure as well as then seeing him climb out of the car. Oh! He looked so fit in that suit. I bit my lip as he walked up closer and closer and I realised he was holding beautiful pure white flowers. Not a single petal is out of place.

Without saying anything, he grabbed my hand and walked me to the car where he opened the door for me. I got into the car and shuffled along and he got in next to me. When was he so chivalrous? It made me blush. And if this was what a date with him looked like, then damn! I placed my hands on the seat feeling the cool, black, rich leather as I placed my purse carrying my phone aside.

He popped open a champagne bottle and poured the bubbly liquid into two champagne glasses.

"Aren't we a bit young to be drinking champagne?" I said reluctantly, still not being able to take all of this in. He looked at me blankly; with no expression. I bring the glass to my lips and titled it, sipping in champagne. I'd never tasted champagne, but it was surprisingly sweet.

A few glasses later and I notice how quickly I am consuming the drink after each glass. I know I'm not tipsy but I feel bolder and more confident; actually quite horny as well. Seductively, I lean in - showing off some cleavage. Gosh, when did I get so dirty? I felt like I was fighting the urge of wanting to steal a kiss from his perfect mouth.

Awkward longing stares later and our lips collide with unbearable passion. He tries fighting for dominance and I let him have it. With that power he holds over me, he slips his tongue down my mouth; keeping the kiss sexy and alive. I inch in closer and he places his hands on my back. He's pulling me in, forcing our kiss to be harsher. He moves his hand and places it on my thigh, stroking it. I can feel his fingers reach the hem of my dress which seems to be surprisingly high up.

I pull away with a longing feeling. My cheeks blushed as I thought of that very dirty thought that was stuck in my head. I wanted it so badly. I was desperate as much as I hated showing it.

"Will you...errr...finger me?" I asked quietly and awkwardly. He laughs at my discomfort but I see something in his eyes making me feel like he's wanted this all along. He nods, not breaking our silence.

He places his hand on my upper thigh; he pushes me back causing me to lean against the back of the seat. He pulls up my dress and pulls off my thong. Then, sticking two fingers in me, I gasp. I'm not gonna lie, the sexual tension was so thick. I was trying to hold my moan as he continued to finger me. It felt so good, the pain was a pleasure.

"Don't hold it in, I want to hear you moan my name" he whispers in my ear leaving goosebumps. I was starting to squirm. He looked at me like he was asking a question. I think I knew what it was, I nodded, not saying anything in case I let out my orgasm. I was so wet for him and he knows it. He then put three fingers in me. It was excruciating pain and I let out a pant then an orgasm followed it.

*20 minutes later*
We stepped out of the car, holding each other's hand. I let out a deep sigh, still blushing and replaying what just happened in my head. We walked into the restaurant, it was so beautiful. The room was dimly lit and it was so simple and modern.  He let go of my hand and walked over to the register and said something; I was too mesmerised by how beautiful and sleek everything looked to listen. He came back and we were guided to the table, we walked as his hand hovered on my back.

Laid out on the table where two plates, two wine glasses with a tall candle and a red rose in the centre. It was quite cliché but romantic.

He hurried over to my seat, pulled it out and waited for me to sit down. I sat down and pushed the chair in closer to the table so that my knees touched the table cloth. I picked up the white napkin and placed it onto my lap, once again playing with the hems of my dress. He sat down and once he looked comfortable enough, he signalled for the waiter to come over.

This place looked so familiar to him, had he been here before?

"So, how many girls exactly have you brought here before?" I questioned, hoping that I would get the right answer. His brows furrowed and asked me,"Just you." Smooth, Christian, Smooth. My heart felt less heavy knowing that I made him feel a certain way.

The waiter walked over with two menus and after allowing us to read over them he asked for our orders, notepad and pen ready in hand.

"What would you like to order, Tilly?" He asked me, I honestly had no idea but I wanted to tease him a little. "Surprise me," I spoke seductively, biting my lip. "Get her my usual order," he responded to the waiter. As the waiter left, Christian's eyes hadn't left my lips. "What?" I asked feeling a little self-conscious, "I want to bite that lip of yours," he casually remarked. A knot in my throat formed, not letting me think of anything to say back to that.

Ugh. Why did he have to be so hot and turn me on like that? I knew I was blushing and I could feel the heat on my cheeks. I needed to provoke him and I knew exactly what to do.

15 minutes later, the waiter came back with a dish and a bottle of red wine.  We continued chatting and eating. Finally, I finished eating.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I exclaimed; he nodded and I went to get up but then interrupted myself and demanded, " Give me your suit jacket as well." He shot me a confused look but then proceeded to take off his suit jacket. As he took it off, it revealed his white dress shirt which shaped his toned arms. Could he get any hotter?

He passed me his jacket and I walked away into the bathroom. When I got in there, I quickly went into the cubicle. I pulled off my dress and underwear and put on his jacket.

Good thing it was quite long, and it smelled like him. He smelled amazing. I pulled in the sides of his jacket and did up the buttons. I unlocked the cubicle door, checked myself in the mirror and went back into the main room.

I sat back down, knowing he had been watching me from when I got back. "Give me your hand, but put it under the table," I commanded with a big smirk across my face. Obliging, he put his hands under the table and I placed my thong and bra until hands. Drawing back his hands, the expression of realisation and shock spread across.

I burst out laughing and walked out, knowing he would follow me. He got up and paced towards me.

Before even reaching to open the care door he grabbed both of my wrists and turned me around, pushing me against the side of the limo. He leaned onto me, breathing heavily, he looked into my eyes deeply.

He then pressed his lips against mine and started kissing me, slowly moving down onto my neck. Every kiss would have me craving for more.  He planted slow intense kisses as a trail on my neck.

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