First Autumn: Episode 2: Robin

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Alright let me get comfy and send some talk invitations. I go sit on my bed, turn off the lights and wrap myself in a blanket. There seem to be a lot of people on this server, I didn't expect there would be so many of them. So apparently I'm not the only one looking for a friend. Hmh this seems like an interesting person. If you choose the name ilikegaming, well you must definitely like gaming. Let's send a talk invitation. And immediately I get a notification that he/she has already accepted the invitation and they have sent a message. That's fast.

    Hello stranger

    Hello to you too

    How are you? Emotionally broken, thank you for asking.

    I'm fine, what about you?

    Great, have you ever heard of the game horizon? Oh my god, that's the person I need.

    Yes, help me. I suck at that game, but I really want to playyyy.

    Hahaha, I'll help you, are you in for a call? Umhh it's like 11PM, so not really.

    I can't right now but tomorrow I can if you want :) Always putting a smile at the end of a rejection makes it less hard. I close my laptop and put it on the ground next to my bed. I snuggle up in my blankets and almost immediately I fall asleep.

    "Robin! Wake up, you need to go to your training." Shit, I forgot about that.

    "Yes, dad, I'm there in a minute." If waking up fast was a superpower, I would be a superhero for sure. So, I jump out of bed and get dressed. I put on my cheerleading outfit and my sweatpants and hoody above it. As I go to the bathroom, my cat Eric jumps on me for a cuddle session.

    "Hey handsome, you want a hug? Here you go." Ahhhh, so soft. I took him with me to the bathroom and put him on the ground. My hair goes in a ponytail and a bow tie on it. Looking good, girl. I brush my teeth after I wink to myself and go downstairs with Eric behind me. As I walk into the kitchen I see that my dad has made those healthy pancakes I like.

    "Smells good in here." My dad puts a plate on the table at the place where I usually sit. So I take my place at the table and start eating those good looking pancakes. God, they're gooooddddd. I could literally eat these everyday. After I finish the pancakes, I hug Eric one last time and hop in the car.

    "Can I connect my phone to the car, dad?" So I can play some fire music.

    "Sure" Once my phone is connected I play the song 'we don't need another hero' by Tina Turner. And my dad and I sing along with the song, aswell with all the other songs 'till we arrive at school. I get out of the car and tell my dad he has to come pick me up at 2PM.

    When I walk through the door, Johanna walks in my direction. God no, can't you just stay away from me? She's one of those fake friends who always talks behind your back. I really don't like her, but I can't just say that to her, can I? Well even if I can, I'm not going to. This is the last year before I go to college, so only nine months left. It's only October, and it has already been two long, long months.

    "Heyyy, Robin!" Her voice is so high. Almost as high as the weirdo in the street next to school.

    "Hello, Johanna, how are you?" Well I think you can imagine how the rest of the conversation went. There are only small talks in my 'friends' group, which I hate. The training in general went pretty good, except for the fact they almost dropped me. If they did, I probably would have broken my legs. As I am waiting for dad, I check my phone and see that Micheal Cactery texted me to ask if I want to be his girlfriend. Really, again? I give up and text him that it is never going to happen and that he has to leave me alone. Am I rude for that? Probably, but I'm just tired of that attention. Like I just want to be invisible or something. I want to read books and game like I am a pro. But now I want to go home and sleep.

If you guys like it so far, y'all are welcome in the discord server of "Someday we'll meet' :))

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