Chapter 2: Confusion

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Well, the second chapter, so here we go.  This is yet again another intro chapter but now in the past, hope you like.

I don't own Vampire Diaries, I only own the plot.


Chapter 2: Confusion

Everything was still spinning, but suddenly it wasn't black anymore. I landed hard on the ground and tried to sit up. I was sitting in the middle of the woods. I tried to get up, but the next thing I saw was a flash of color, a sudden pain, and then I was pulled back into the dark haze.


"We found her in the woods when we were out collecting fire wood. I don't recognize her, where do you think she is from?" A voice came, breaking through the haze

"Hand me that bowl and cloth." A female voice said, and then she placed the damp cloth over my forehead.

The haze was fading and I could sense that I was in a crowded room, maybe about four other people. I sighed loudly as I tried to break through the darkness, and my eyes fluttered open.

"Look! She's awake!" A young boy, maybe about fifteen or sixteen rushed to my side. He looked familiar, like someone I'd met before. He had dark hair and a sparkle in his eyes full of concern. This must have been Henrik, the boy who was killed by werewolves. I looked around the room and saw three other familiar faces, but ones I recognized right away. Kol was in the back corner of the room behind Henrik. When he caught my eyes on him, he gave me a mischievous smile. I glanced over to my other side, and saw Rebekah holding out a bowl full of water, and then I turned my gaze to the woman in front of me.

Ester, the Original Witch, stood before me, tending my cuts and scrapes. How, did I get here so quickly? I remembered I was playing a confused girl so I tried to act the part.

"Where am I?"

"A small village, in the new world. Please lay back down, you need to rest." Ester answered, but Henrik rushed forward immediately.

"I am so sorry, I did not see you anywhere. How was I to see a girl sitting on the ground in the middle of the woods? Are you ok?" He blurted out, obviously worried.

"It's ok, I'm fine. . . . I think." I answered.

"Ok, that's good." Henrik sighed in relief, "What's your name?" he asked, most of his concern lifted. I acted like I was floundering for an answer then finally supplied.

"Caroline." I told them, but that was when Kol joined in. He appeared about my age, but still the same look from Mystic Falls 1000 years away.

"Nice to meet you, Caroline. I'm Kol. This is my brother, Henrik." He said sweeping a hand to each person as he introduced them. "This is my sister, Rebekah, and our mother, Ester."

I was still floundering with what they expected of me, so I nodded to each person as their name was spoken.

"Where are you from, Caroline?" Rebekah finally spoke, maybe she wasn't very talkative in this time.

"I . . . I don't know."

"WHAT?" Henrik bursted out in shock.

"I don't remember where I'm from, I don't remember anything. Just my name." I told them as innocently as I could. I glanced back at Rebekah, and she had a horrified look on her face.

"You don't remember anything, about your family? Or friends? Or anything?" She asked like it was a fate worse than death. I shook my head as an answer to her question.

Then, out of nowhere, she came over and gave me a hug. That was the last thing I expected. Rebekah to be kind, she was always cruel, and cold hearted, but I guess, in this time she hadn't been betrayed yet. I leaned into her hug, because it was the first comfort I've had in a while.

"Here, can you stand? You need to eat." Rebekah said, offering her hand to help me up off the sofa that I was laying on. I took it and she led me to their table full of bread and cheese and meat. It looked good, I couldn't remember the last time I ate something. I sat down at the table, and immediately began to put bread in my mouth. Everyone was watching, and I heard the boys' chuckle from behind me.

"Henrik, will you go fetch your brothers? I think it's time for dinner." I could hear the smile in Esters voice. She was happy here, she had no problems no regrets here, well not yet anyways.

"I guess I should wait for everyone else to get here then." I said as Rebekah sat down beside me, and laughed.

"You don't have to, you've been through a lot." She told me, placing a warm hand on my arm. Then I thought back, what DID I really remember?

I remember Bonnie casting the spell, and then I woke up here, with them looking after me. So I decided to ask again.

"How did I get here?" I asked Rebekah curiously. She looked surprised when I asked, and then a little ashamed.

"Well, Kol and Henrik were out in the woods. They were supposed to be collecting fire wood, but boys will be boys so they were running and messing around. And Henrik ran straight into you, and you fell to the ground, must have hit your head. So they brought you back here, because our mother is the town healer." She explained as best she could. I sighed in relief, that was a decent answer, and a reason why my head still hurt.

"You will be ok soon enough, and then we can try to figure out where you are from." Ester said as she left the house leaving me with Rebekah.

"It's strange to have new comers here, the nearest village is about a day’s distance from here. And you don't look like any of the natives who live around here." She told me as she looked me over, like she was trying to find a place to put me. I sighed, trying to tell her to leave it alone. And being the only girl, she thankful understood.

We talked for a while, waiting for the rest of her family to get home. I realized that Rebekah and I weren't that different. We were both talkative and stubborn. She was the only girl in her family, and she told me she had no close friends. Pretty soon we were laughing and joking about random things. Slowly, one by one her family all filtered in and I began to list of their names. Ester, Henrik, Kol, Finn, Elijah. The last one to enter gave off a different feeling then the others. Stronger, more powerful, and I could feel his gaze land on me. I could see in his eyes his confusion, desperate curiosity, and desire. He walked up to me and asked.

"Do I know you?"


a/n: Well I hope you guys liked the second chapter  Please tell me what you think.  Thank you for reading my story!


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