Chapter 8: Getting Away

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Well, here is chapter 8, I hope you like it.

I don’t own Vampire Diaries, just the plot.


Chapter 8: Getting Away

A few days had passed, and I had been avoiding Klaus. I didn't know what else to do. Everything seemed so weird, it's like I'm back to that crazy girl I was before I changed. The only thing I can do is think about him, and then I remember why I'm here in the first place, to stop him. To stop him from becoming the monster he will be. I've learned more about him here though, he's a regular guy, no matter what time he's from. He's still self-centered, and arrogant, but he cares about others, and he's playful. Every time we cross paths now, he seems to give me a resentful look, for what happened at the pond. I guess he feels bad for building me up like that, but I shouldn't have allowed myself to get in a situation like that anyway.

I sighed as I left the dinner table and headed up to my room. I opened my door and went to lie down, to cast out all of these confusing thoughts. Before my head hit the pillow, something caught my eye, a small black box. I reached to grab it off the floor, and I saw a strip of paper attached.

From Niklaus

I sighed, what was I to expect, I guess Klaus had to get his gift giving habit from somewhere. I took the box in my hands and sighed once again before I removed the lid. I gasped, it wasn't at all what I was expecting.

It was Elena's necklace, the one that Stefan gave her. I was shocked, dumbfounded, flabbergasted. How did Klaus get this, and why did he give it to me? I picked it up by the chain, and marveled at how beautiful it was. I never told Elena how much I wanted it, especially since I could never wear it. It smelt of Vervain, but it was gorgeous.

"Do you like it?" Klaus's voice came from my door. I glanced up, and noticed that I didn't completely close the door, so when he came from behind me, he just pushed it open.

"It's nice." I said like it meant nothing, and left it on my bed and stood up. Then I just said one word, the only one that came. "Why?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about what happened at the pond." He had an apologetic look on his face. "I shouldn't have acted like that." He waited, waited for my response, which didn't come. "Are you going to wear it?" He asked me, referring to the necklace, and I just shook my head.

"It's fine. I'm tired Niklaus." I told him as I turned, saying I was done talking. I waited until I heard my door close behind him. I stood there, staring out into space, I finally decided to get out. I thought about the man I met out it in the village, Benjamin. I snuck out of my room, and down the stairs. The whole family was sitting in the Living room, reading and talking, so I snuck out the back door, and came around the house to the street, then I headed towards the white oak tree.

I was told that the white oak tree was a symbol of immortality, but looking at it now, it was singed and missing limbs. It looked like it wouldn't last much longer. I stepped up to it, and placed my hand in the center of the tree. I was startled when I felt this electric shock go through my hand, and I could feel the energy of the tree. The energy was strong, protective, and healing. This was how vampires became so hard to kill, we don't damage easy, and when we do, we heal quickly, along with healing others. I could feel the life force in the tree, and I could tell, it was powerful, healing itself. It felt like a drug, giving me a high off the power that flowed through it.

"Exhilarating? Isn't it?" Ayanna's voice came from behind me. I removed my hand from the tree and turned to face her.

"Why can I feel it?" I asked her, utterly confused, this was something a witch would feel, not a vampire.

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