Chapter 6: A Strange Discovery

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Chapter 6: A Strange Discovery Here it is, Chapter 6, just finished it. I hope you like it.  This chapter is for AndaPanda123, thank you for your support.  I do not own The Vampire Diaries, just the plot of this story. And Benjamin, ;) you'll find out soon.


Chapter 6: A Strange Discovery

“Gravis iam fato fieri et aeterna.”

A terrible and eternal fate will soon come to pass.

I saw a flash, everything awful that had happened in the past few years suddenly appeared before me. All the lit candles in the room suddenly died, and a harsh wind started to spin around the room. I heard a loud gasp, and then the last thing I expect, crossed my eyes.

Skin, lots of skin penetrated my sight, muscular arms that looked familiar somehow, dark hair, and my own blonde curls. Next I saw Klaus and Rebekah, their father driving his blade through their hearts. Then I saw them drinking blood, Human blood, for the first time.

"I know why you have come here." Ayanna's voice broke through my sight, and everything returned to how it was before I took her hands. "I know where you are from."

"Huh?" I asked, still confused by what I saw, let alone what Ayanna saw.

"You are from the future. I have seen your pain that is caused by a soon approaching event. Unfortunately for you, your magic has not worked the way you expected it would. You are no longer the abomination you were in your own time. Though you still have some of the qualities that you had when you were a vampire" She told me, she was sure of every word she uttered.

"But, how?" I asked, still completely confused.

"Just be glad you got to keep some benefits of being a vampire." She said the word like it was the worst thing that could ever be thought of.

I wondered why I hadn't been craving blood since I'd gotten here. I hadn't tested any of my vampire abilities since I'd gotten here either. I wondered what all has changed, just by me coming here, and the magic?

Suddenly everything around me turned black again, but I could still hear everything around me. Ayanna started to chant again and placed her hands on mine.

"I will not tell Ester where you are from. But you will no longer try to alter your future. I will stop Ester, but you will live out the rest of your time here as a regular girl of this time, with no ulterior motives." I felt my wrist get heavy, and then my head, then the next thing I knew I was back in the Mikaelsons house.

I could hear shouting and ran outside to see the licking flames engulfing the town.


"You did this! You killed all these people!" I demanded as I burst through the door.

"That is not any of your concern anymore." Ayanna told me, patiently. "It is better that they die now, if it helps prevent the Mikaelsons from becoming immortal. I hoped that the tree would be turned completely to ashes, but it will do." She shrugged and continued back to her potion that she was working on before I came in.

"But you are a witch, by definition you are a servant of nature. Why would you burn a tree to the ground, especially the white oak?" I asked quite seriously.

"There is a sapling planted and hidden. Now leave." She said emotionless, and I turned to leave, but then looked back. "I didn't expect you to be like this, so willing to risk innocent lives." I left, and went to think.

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