Chapter 5: Burning

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Well, here is the next chapter, I hope you liked the last chapter and the Klaroline scenes. I hope to have some more very soon.

I do not own the vampire diaries, I just own the plot for this story.


Chapter 5: Burning

I heard screaming as it echoed throughout the village. I ran outside and saw licking flames that had started to engulf the houses nearest to the tree. The white oak tree, which would give immortality to the Originals, had caught on fire. Smoke could have been seen from miles away by now. How could this have happened? I looked around, what could I do to stop all these people from dying? Innocent people, who have done nothing wrong, people like Tyler. I ran to the well to get a bucket of water and splashed it on the nearest fire I saw.

As I rushed back to get more water I passed Ester, who was in tears. She raised her hands and the fire diminished slightly, but it still burned. I had an unusual feeling, telling me to take her hand and will for the fire to disappear. Against everything else that told me to run, or just get more water, I decided to follow this feeling and took her hand.

She nodded as she rose out our joined hands and the fire died. I looked around and watched the smoke still rising from the houses and the trees. I felt a tug on my hand and I looked down to the ground to see Ester, crying. I knelt beside her, something must have been wrong. I looked around and saw people dragging out their loved ones, whether dead or just injured. And they placed them in the street, waiting for the healer to come help them. But I could tell something bad had happened, so I pushed past the people gathering around Ester and headed the direction she came from, The Mikaelsons house.

I almost ran straight into Rebekah, but she didn't even notice me. I c ould see the tears streaming down her face as she looked up into my face.

"He was stupid, he was trying to be the hero and instead, ended up like." She told me, and then she continued to mutter something I could barely hear. So I hurried past into the living room to see Elijah and Finn pacing nervously.

"What happened?" I asked the concern quivering in my voice.

"Kol, he . . . he tried to save . . ." Elijah said

"Henrik." Finn finished for him. "Upstairs."

With that I bolted upstairs to Henrik's room and saw it was empty, so I continued to Kol's. I burst through the door and saw Henrik sitting at the foot of Kol's bed. Kol was covered in burns from head to toe. And Henrik had a few minor burns.

"Caroline." Henrik stated as I came in. I shook my head and held up my hand, then left and went to my room and grabbed my bag that I brought with me from the future and dumped the contains out on my bed. I grabbed three things and headed back to into the hallway.

"Whoa, easy. Go any faster and we'll have another injured person in the house." Klaus said from behind me. I just ignored him and rushed back into Kol's room, which Klaus followed me into.

"Henrik, can you walk?" I asked as I knelt next to Kol.

"Of course." He answered and stood up right away.

"Ok, I need you to get as much water as you can get and tell Rebekah to bring some bandages, as fast as you can." I told him as I laid out what I had in my hands. "Oh and a few cloths, also." He nodded and left the room.

I looked down at Kol, there were singed holes in his shirt and pants and anywhere skin was in view it was enflamed.

"Ok Kol, your shirt had to come off, which means you need to sit up." I told him, I figured, best just to be straight forward with him. He just nodded and tried to push himself up, but then Klaus came forward and helped him.

When Henrik was back with the water and Rebekah, Kol was shirtless with his pants rolled up to his upper thighs. Rebekah had a large wooden bowl and two pitchers of water, and Henrik had another pitcher, cloths and some bandages.

"I can guarantee that this won't be pleasant." I told Kol, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Just get it over with." He said trying his best to keep the pain out of his words, but failed. I nodded and started pouring the first pitcher of water over the worst burns I saw, and he screamed in agony. After about 10 minutes of this, he seemed calmer.

"Does it still hurt when I pour the water?" I asked worriedly.

"No, it feels kind of refreshing." He said.

"Ok, that's good. Now we are ready for the next step. Rebekah, can you go get some more water?" She nodded and took the two empty pitchers with her. I brought the bowl to me, poured water from the third pitcher into it and took one of the items that I brought from my bag and dipped it in. Thank God, Bonnie had packed my Dove bar for me. The water became soapy, so I took on of the cloths and soaked it in the water, and placed it lightly on Kol's worst burn on his left leg. I did the same thing again two times and asked both Klaus and Henrik to do the same.

"Just wash it out." I told them. We continued to do so, and when Rebekah returned, she but a plain damp cloth on Kol's forehead. After the wounds were cleaned I reached for another item that had come from my bag. It was a container of Polysporin and a put a small amount on all the major burns. Then it was time for my last item, Aloe Vera ointment. I rubbed it in too, again all the major burns.

When Kol sighed loudly, I knew he would feel better soon. I instructed Rebekah to prop up his legs and arms with pillows or blankets. Just than Ester walked in, the tears now dried to her face. It was obvious she was expecting to walk in and see Kol dead.

"Mother, you should have seen Caroline, I've never seen anything like it! She saved him." Rebekah said to her mother, the happiness not only showed in her voice but in her eyes as well.

Ester rushed over to see Kol, resting comfortably, with steady breathing. She sighed in relief and started to cry again.

"But some Lavender Oil would help with the lesser burns, and for Henrik." I told them all.

"But I'm fine." Henrik said automatically.

"No you're not," Rebekah chimed in. "Mother has some, may I get it?" She asked her and when Ester nodded she left the room to retrieve it. When she returned with it, I lightly applied it to Kol's minor burns, then bandaged him up, then moved on to Henrik.

When I was finished, I left the boys to rest, and decided to see the rest of the damage that had struck the town. I exited the house and began walking down the city street. So many people were dead, and many more were burned as bad as Kol, or worse.

"Hey! Wait up!" A voice called from behind me, and when the owner of it caught up with me I was surprised. "How did you know what to do?" Klaus asked me.

"I don't know, I guess it just came out, like I'd done it before somehow." I told him the truth, but then I started thinking about what happened. Why did I want to help them, save them? And then I realized that I liked the Original family as humans, they were well, human. I laughed, I knew it was silly, but I had started to grow an attachment to some of them. "So what happen that caused Kol to end up burned so badly?"

"Henrik was at one of his friend's house, but when the fire started they were trapped inside. Kol tried to save them, and jumped inside, but that just meant that he got the front of the fire." Klaus sighed as he explained to me.

"No." I sighed, of course something like that had happened. "But how did the fire start?" I asked.

"All I know is that it started from the white oak tree." He replied. Why would the white oak catch fire, I wondered? Then I gasped in realization, and ran to the old house near the center of the village.

"Wait, where are you going?" Klaus yelled after me, but I didn't answer.

I burst through the door, and she turned to me.

"Caroline," Ayanna said before I cut her off.

"You did this! You killed all these people!"

a/n: Well I hope you all liked this chapter, please comment and vote, questions or suggestions, as well. I hope to update again soon. Thank you all for taking the time to read my story.


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