Remembrance of things past

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Episode: 6x03

As soon as they all got out of the jet from Bristol, Virginia, the whole team made their way toward the BAU Office, to drop a few things and finally go home.

"That one turned out okay." Emily sighed, as she dropped her to-go bag down and brushed a hand through her hair.

"I can't believe the Butcher would do that to his own son." Lily responded, doing the same, as she leaned against her desk. "A father is supposed to protect his son, not... Murder his mother and turn him into a serial killer."

"Some people are just... Sick. Don't try to understand them, doll. You'll make yourself go crazy." Morgan shook his head.

Lily was about to say something, when the voice of her boss cut her off.

"Lily. Can I have a word with you?" He asked, from the door.

The woman nodded, before getting up and walking up the stairs toward him.

"What happened?" Emily whispered, as soon as Hotch closed the door behind them both. Morgan shrugged.

"She won't leave too, will she?" Spencer asked, looking quite agitated with the possibility.

Emily and Morgan exchanged a glance. They knew Spencer was closest to JJ and Lily in the team. Having them both leaving in less than a week would certainly affect the young genius.

"Don't worry, pretty boy." Morgan laughed, as he threw an arm over Spencer's shoulders. "Chief Strauss won't do that to us. If we lose her too, the BAU will never be able to solve another case."

"Why are my babies doubting themselves?" The happy voice of Penelope Garcia rang through the office as she left her room, walking toward them. "With me here, there's no way the BAU won't solve a case."

"You think too much of yourself, baby girl." Morgan chuckled, as the three of them laughed, Spencer's worry vanishing for a split of a second, as he enjoying his time with his friends.

Meanwhile, Lily stood suddenly, surprised by Hotch's offer.

"I could never do the job like JJ did." She whispered, as Hotch nodded.

"I think that with a bit of practice, you'll do just fine." He assured.

"A bit of practice?" She frowned. "But JJ is coming back, isn't she? She didn't even want to leave in the first place."

"That's a decision that's above all of us, Lily." He sighed, as if he, too, wasn't wrapping his head around the fact that JJ wouldn't come back. "But just hear me out, okay? You are young, you are smart. I'm sure that in a few weeks, you'll be able to handle picking out the cases and handling the media just fine. Until then, I'll be helping you, but..."

"But that's not what I was trained to do." She interrupted him, not carrying that he was actually his boss. "I'm a Profiler. That's what I do. I see crimes scenes and evidences to try and understand serial killers. I don't deal with journalists and victim's families and other states police stations..."

"Lily, listen... If I don't point someone to the post, Chief Strauss will appoint someone else." Hotch said, his voice firm, causing Lily to sit back down in front of him. "We both know that's not the best option."

"Yes, but... You think I'll be able to handle it all?" She asked. Hotch chuckled.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" He asked, as Lily frowned. "You were already attacked by dogs, faced your rapist to save your daughter, questioned your own brother when he was accused of murder, saw so many awful things in crime scenes and everything and you're asking me if I think you can handle the media?"

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