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My skin grew cold. Her father???

"I have no idea what your talking about," I said trying my best to hid the truth. I looked around the room once more pleading for a door to appear.

"Hmm that's quite interesting, from the knowledge that was gathered. Pro hero Deku told his whole class while in the hero course. Where you missing? Or worst... Are you lying?" She said, with a dark look in her eyes. "Because if you are you're going watch as little miss sexy die, and I might even offer you some popcorn for the rest of the show."

"Why does she have to be involved? Deku is the one your after!"
What the fuck am I saying!?

She paused and looked at her wrist as if looking for the time, but there wasn't a watch. She looks back to me, and leaves the room by walking through the wall. I race over but I'm met with a solid wall.


💕Y/ns point of view💕

"Losers that's what you get for sticking me in a steel cell!" You yell out the window of your new ride. You try and figure out where you are, but that was useless.You make out Tokyo in the distance. You look at all of the children in the back and smile.

They smile slightly back at you.

"Your safe now, I am a hero," you say, and look back to the dirt road.

Flash back ( you're going to like this hehe)

You where thrown into a van all tied up and driven out of Tokyo to a near by town. Where the villains hq was located, it was an old ruined orphanage, but there where still kids, kids that where being trained to become villains. You where drug to a cell just like the rest of the kids, a cold steel cell. The man who had been dragging you had black hair, and smooth features, his eyes a deep green.

He threw you in and lock the door back up. There are kids huddled in the corner of your cell shivering.

"Hey, are you guys ok?" You whisper to them.

They don't speak but you can make out head shaking.

' these bastards are abducting children!'

You peal up a piece of the rusty steel floor and begin to saw at the ropes. You listened to what sounded like a conversation as you worked, but you couldn't understand it. The building floor creaked above us, from the weight of a large man, who's foot steps made the kids whimper. He was coming down stairs toward you and the kids!

You quicken your cutting of the ropes as your suspicion of the man coming your direction became clear.

It sounds like he is about ten feet away, and I'm almost done. With that last thought your wrists are free.

The big man came into view, he was a large man with hair that stood up off his head, his eyes where white and seem to glow in the dimly lit cell.

"Hello Miss. L/n, I hope my friends treated you well. My lady is on her way here so just sit tight for now." He spoke looking you in the eyes with a ugly smile on his face, breaking eye contact he sent four glowing balls of yellow light towards the children. Who all screamed and huddled closer together.

You pull up a large chunk of metal and block the orbs from touching the children. You quickly get up and use the bars to stab the man in the gut. He stood there stunned then pulled himself off of the bars. Blood spilling from his guts onto the floor, he was breathing heavy then blue colored orbs float into the holes in his gut and the wounds healed!!

"What a silly girl you are." He says catching his breath. Standing up more orbs come from his finger tips, red and green shot at you with blurring speed. You pull up more pieces and stretch them all the way across the door.

The red orbs melted the steel and let the green ones in. Which were targeting the children, you jump and grab the four children and rip a whole in the wall then jump. The kids start screaming, you pull strip of metal and rounded them to use them like poles and wrapped the poles around your waist. You stopped falling and the kids looked at you fear and tears in their eyes. You smile at them. And stretch the pole to the ground.

"Hey kids are there other kids in the building?"

"Yes," the older one spoke, he looked about seven.

"I need you to listen very carefully, you need to hid. And whatever you do not come out for anyone but me ok?" The kids shake their heads, and grab each others hands and as soon and they where linked they disappeared!

Ok then the seven year old must have his quirk.

You look around and spot men flowing like ants out the doors of the building. They where wearing support gear and where carrying guns. Do they really think coming out here with steel and lead is a good idea? You smile to yourself and roll your eyes.

The men are all surrounding you, leaving you in the middle of a circle. 23 men loaded with lead and covered in steel. This was going to be child's play. The man with blue eyes walked out if the building and was behind watching the scene. You active your quirk and begin attacking and incapacitating the villains. One by one you you felt yourself becoming more and more exhausted. You try dodge a left hook but your reflexes seem to be fail. He hit you in the face forcing you to stumble back. You brace yourself by putting you hands on you knees, that's when you realize your legs are covered in purple orbs. Grabbing at them made fighting the wave of sleep ness extremely hard, but you managed to pull one off. Before the man you where fighting came back for round two.

Kicking you in the gut, you topple on to the dusty parking lot coughing. I have to use my ultimate move if I want to win, but I don't even know if I have enough strength to stand at this point I'm going to lose! You though feeling like you body was made of solid steel.

You look up, locking eyes with the glowing eyed man. Struggling to use your quirk, you start pulling the iron out of his blood. The villain you had been fighting sent a elbow into your nose. Pain seem to wake you right up, you punch you attacker in the face, most of you strength returning. The man fell, unblocking the view of kids surrounding the man with glowing eyes, covered in blood!

You rush taking out villains left and right.

"Are you the one that saved numbers 67, 3,23, and 45?" The oldest one being 13 ish asked, he look at you with cold light blue eyes, his body was covered with scars from burns, his hair a dark red.

"If you're talking about the four little kids from earlier, yes!?" He looks at you and does a slight bow. The other seven follow suit.

"Do you want to leave and get something to eat?" You ask, hoping the kids are still going to be 'good'.

They all nod vigorously, you and the kids find the smaller children in a van, waiting for you.

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