5. Training

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Third POV 

Bill is currently training his queen/demon-lover and he did surprisingly well for persons who just got turned into demons about what... 5-10 minutes ago. Anyway, now, the two are middle of training, But it seems he has trouble with his element manipulation, at least one of them.

 ''Focus baby you can do this'' said Bill encouraging his lover 

Achlys is sweating like a hog getting roasted right now it seems he has been having trouble with the Earth elemental because requires him to be calm, grounded, and stable under pressure and in the word, he has to connect with nature around him which is a problem. 

''Come on'' said Frustration Achlys was trying to lift a giant border. ''Urgh'' 

''This is so stupid'' said Achlys sigh ''I can't do this''.

''Hey don't say that '' said Bill trying to encourage his lovely wife.'' you can do this I believe you, darling''.

''No, you just saying that'' said sadly discouraged Achlys with tears in her eyes.

''  no baby I mean it '' said Bill  

''really'' said tearful  Achlys lifted his head and his husband Bill nodded whipping his tears away from his cheeks.  

''all have to do this focus'' said Bill '' Can you do that for me''. 

Achlys nodded '' yeah.. you right'' said this time with courage meaning

Achlys wents to the giant border puts his hand out tries to focus on lifting the border and presses his bare feet on the ground to feel the nature of the earth flow through him and closes his eyes and it works when Achlys opens his eyes his see the giant border was lift from the ground.

An excited Achlys turns to his husband with a grin ''I did honey'' said Achlys putting the giant border down and turning to hug his darling husband.

Bill has the same grin as his husband ''yeah baby I know you can do it'' said excitedly and hugged his lovely queens. 

After that, they left the training room and cuddled in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Mabel and the other cipher wheel are also training to fight Bill, rescue Dipper, and restore humanity to normal.  

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