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After Bill teleported the cipher wheel back to the shack he went into a secret private room. In it was a beautiful scenery of purple petunia flower fields and in the middle were Pine trees sleeping comfortably.  


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I was napping in a field of pretty petunia far beyond what I could see it felt so good on my fur that I fell asleep until I sensed my master's presence. 

"Hello my little Pinetree'' said master petting my head and beginning to purr 

''Hello master'' saying nuzzling far into his hand 

''I have a  wonderful surprise ''  said Master pulling his hand away and snapping his fingers is the only I heard before the blackout.  


After knocking out PineTree Bill then took him to a red room with a pentagram sign all over the wall full of old books that are ancient and other creepy mystery things. Anyway, Bill put Pinetree on the table and also he turned back to the human and went to a bookshelf and pulled out one book on 'How to exotic creature control minds' and got the ingredients that need to create a potion, that will change his beloved Pine trees forever. 

You see Bill's ultimate plan is to turn Dipper into a demon and make him his queen.  After fixing and creating the potion he snaps his finger into Dipper's mind and goes to his hall of memories where it's houses his good and bad memories.  

Bill begins to replace the good memories of his family and friends with bad ones and does the same thing to his emotional core to direct his hater, and dislikes toward his family and friends but direct his love and care, loyal to him.

 Lastly went to the center of his mind and poured the demon blood potion infused to completely transform because Bill had to for mate seasons. After that was done Bill snapped his finger took his beautiful Pine tree to their room placed him on the bed and waited for his Pine tree to wake up. 

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