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Third POV 

It has been approximately 1/2 years since Bill took over everything from destroying Washington Mountain, turning the crops into living begins, making it rain acid, etc. It was just pure chaos but during all this chaos around the world, the cipher wheel was able to save civilizations.  

Like right now the cipher wheel has come back from saving a family of 4 from a group of demons. 

Mabel POV 

We saved a family of 4 from groups of ranking demons but, some of us got injured in the process like one or two scratches nothing too big do. After successfully avoiding some of Bill's minions we passed through a waterfall to the home base where the others survived. Once we got there we were taken by the nurse aids to the recovery tent. 

After getting a check from one of the Nures I went to see Grunkle Ford to see if he found a new way to defend Bill. 

''Hey Ford'' I said entering Ford's workshop tents he turned his attention to me. ''Hey Mabel''  Grunkle Ford said noticing the bandage wounds on my arms,'' Got hurt did you.''

I nodded ''yeah, but nothing I can handle'' I said nonchalantly ''So have you found a way to defeat Bill ?'' changed the topic Ford turned his attention back to his works. 

''while so far nothing'' said tired Grunkle Ford sigh take off his glasses rubbing between his tired eyes Grunkle Ford worked so hard I went over to him to hug him. ''don't worry Grunkle Ford I know you will find a way'' I said word of encourage '' I know it.''

''Thank you, Mabel,'' said Grunkle Ford  smiling slighthly 

After that, Grunkle Ford returned to turn in his work and I left his tent to get some rest. On my way there I ran into Wendy she had changed over the years so she now has short hair and wears a metal hand on her left side. She waved and asked me 'How were the missions' I told her it was fine and I was heading to my tent before lunch. She understood and told me to have a good rest. (A/N: sorry I was lazy on this part)

Finally reaching my tent  I lay on the bed and began to have thoughts about Dipper whom I had taken for granted it wasn't until I realized that he was taken by Bill and now he was captured in the fear amid and being tortured by Bill. 

I begin to shed tears as I think about all our adventures together before all this happened. But this only motivated me more to train so hard that one day I would rescue him and kill that triangle-head bastard.

Wendy POV  

After our conversation, Mabel left and as I thought she was so tired and had something on her mind I wanted to ask her but I didn't. 

She used to be so happy, making jokes, and always smiling, but now she is gloomy and goes on missions and trains harder maybe she felt guilty about my hand even though it was her fault nobody could have seen those demons. 

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder It was Soos who hadn't changed despite everyone else.  ''Hey Wendy '' Soos says gaining my attention I respond back but before he can say anything else we are interrupted by the dinner bell, ''well that's the dinner bell'' Soos says ''Talk to you later Wendy'' walking off to the dinner tent with others. 


After serving dinner which was vegetable soup with a side of bread, everyone enjoyed it, and the cooks some help with the after clean up one of those was Grunkle Stan who change a lot from where he used to be. 


I was helping one of the cooks clean up after dinner they thanked me for my services and on my merry way also took what was left of the vegetable soup and bread to Mabel she didn't come to dinner I took what was left. But she was sleeping and did not want to disturb her I placed soup and bread on the table beside her and left a note before she woke up taking one glance at her before leaving her tent. 

I sighed everyone was about to get ready for bed I went to my tent and gathered the things I needed for bed and accidentally knocked over a framed Dipper Mabel and I were in a boat when I took them fishing back then everything was normal and sunny and happy..... I miss those times.

Nowadays it's all about the constant danger I sigh 'One day ' I thought to myself ' One day things will get back to normal and see Mabel smile.'


After I ate dinner I went back to my tent to figure out how to defeat Bill or find some way to defend ourselves it was a hard thing I Thought every plan I came up with was a complete other failure. 

I want to lose hope in this endeavor but, at some time letting everyone down would be even worse if only I didn't make that deal Bill then this wouldn't be happening the world would be in massive chaos and Dipper could still be with us, and not with the bill doing god no what to him. 

I sat silently as I looked at all the failed plan attempts and tried to think of ways of defeating Bill. 


Meanwhile, somewhere else someone was watching them laughing at their misery. 


''ha ha ha...look at those fools'' l says laughing at my crystal balls they think can defeat me what bunch of idiots laughing even more but I am interrupted by my lovely wife. '' Hello lovely '' said Pinetree standing by the door wearing a 

 '' Hello lovely '' said Pinetree standing by the door wearing a 

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''What are you doing Bill?'' walking towards me and kissing me

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''What are you doing Bill?'' walking towards me and kissing me. 

''Just laughing at these meat stacks'' I said with a joyful tone then an interested Pinetree joined me in my laugh, ''Haha I see why you are so happy...look at them'' said Pinetree laughter pointing to one of the cipher wheels soon I join in laughter. 

After good work of laughter, Pinetree and I start to make out, and not one to wait any longer I teleport us to our bedroom and we have amazing sex we catch our breath for a few minutes and cuddle until we feel slept into dreamland. 


Originally I had full-on smut between Bill and Dipper but what save that for a later chapter anyway, enjoy this chapter.

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