What Are You?

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     I was in the Fold again, just has I was before everything changed. It was still just has dark except for the silver tunnel that began from where I stood and went on ahead. And again I felt the pull of a force up ahead, looking behind me though I didn't see my shadow. Turning my head back forward, I began to walk towards. Has I walked, I began to see another bright white light before me. It was then that I saw the source of the light, a brilliant white Stage, with enormous antlers. The Stage was walking towards me, and when our eyes locked, I felt a great sense of ease. He made his presence known then, my shadow. Only this time he had a face, General Kirigan, he stood beside me while the Stage stand ahead. Suddenly there were two other figures standing on either  side of the Stage. Has the light from the Stage shown on their faces, that's when I called out to them. "Alina! Mal!" I saw them smile at me but when I went to move towards them the General grabbed my wrist stopping me. I looked up at him confused has to why he would stop me, when I turned my head back to my friends. They didn't smile at me then, they just shook their heads and turned away from me and began to walk away. "Alina? Mal?", I called to which I got no response. Just them walking away from me, yet has they continued to walk away the Stage moved ahead. Has the Stage's and mine eyes locked, a great bright light shown through his antlers that shot straight to me causing me to grab ahold of the General's hand. Holding his hand the light that I absorbed suddenly shot back out around us spreading the silver tunnel even wider. Looking back to the General he had a smirk on his face, but has he began to speak I was jolted awake with a gasp.

           Sitting up I was confused at first at where I was, that was when I remember the events of the last day. Taking a deep breath that was when a small red haired girl and four others enter the room. "Saints! Have you ever bathed? And what happened to you face? This is going to take more work than I expected. Fetch my kit.", the red head said. At the clap of her hands I was rushed off the bed and into the bathroom, where I was stripped and helped into the tub. Once inside the tub two of the four other girls began to wash me. Has they washed me they spoke in Old Ravkan saying, "Smells like a horse." "A horse has use." "Hey! Stop it! Enough! I'm perfectly capable of washing myself. And yes, by the way I do smell like a horse. But what would you expect given that I was on one  for 200 miles. Especially after nearly being killed twice. Also I do understand Old Ravkan, quite well actually. So you shouldn't assume just because I was brought up here that I wouldn't understand your insults, which were quite rude might I add." I took the sponge from the shocked girl's hand and began the process of washing myself has the red head spoke up. "In an hour, you'll be presented to King Pyotr, and General Kirigan has asked that I make you look presentable." "I'm to meet the King? Oh." "Yes, "oh" so lets get to it.", she replied has the two girls by the tub stood me up and began to put a silver and purple robe on me. " Can I just say all of this is a bit much. I really don't need any of this.", I began has the robe was wrapped around me causing me to say, "Oh, Saints! Is this velvet?" The red head shook her head then has a third girl next to her spoke up saying, "I would start with her eyes. Make them a little less dull and dark. What kind of Sun Summoner has eyes has dark as shadows, Miss Safin. I was a little taken aback at the insult, but before I could respond the red head raised her hands clapping them has she told all of them to get out. Watching has they left and following the red head back into the main part of the room I said, "Thank you, for that." "Happy to get rid of the miserable shrews. I don't get to pick my stuff unfortunately. The Queen assigns them. Mostly to spy on me." Has she spoke I heard her, but my mind was still wrapped around the comment about my eyes, causing me to say, "Please don't change my eyes. They're one of the few things my mother passed down to me." With a soft smile the red head approached me has she spoke, "I don't care about your eyes. I don't care that they're as dark as the night sky. Nor do I care where you come from. I care that you look terrible." She took my chin into her hand then has she began to examine my face. "Some of this is surface, but some of it is deeper.", she continued on has I replied. "You're a Healer?" "I'm a Tailor, I can fix, but I can also modify." "I've never met a Tailor before.", I commented. With a small chuckle she said, "I'm almost as rare as you, though I'd say saving the Queen from sagging tits, makes me as important as you. Important to the Queen, of course, and she does not like to see cracks in her porcelain." While she was speaking she moved her fingers over the cut on my arm from the General's ring, and then to make face to fix the cut on the side of my head as well as the split in my lip. She then grabbed ahold of my left hand to fix the scar that lied across it, before I closed it and said, "Ah, not that. It's a reminder of home." "Sentimental. I'll work on that too. But for right now, sit." Has I sat down in the seat in front of the mirror I replied, "It's not sentiment, it's just some lessons you remember if you have a physical reminder of it." Nodding her head she took out different pieces of jewelry to see which looked best, picking one she said, "This will do nicely. And this,". She began has she waved her hand over my hair removing the knots and giving it more shine, "will only last a few days." Looking at her through the mirror I asked, "How old were you when you knew?" "Testers found me when I was eleven. That's when General Kirigan gifted me to the Queen. But I've been working on myself since I was three." "Since you were three? Saints! I can't go in front of the King I've only been a Grisha for like a day." Placing her hands on my shoulders she locked eyes with me in the mirror has she replied, "Maybe you've only been aware for a day. But you've been a Grisha your whole life. And now you're here, to tear down the Fold. I'm Genya by the way." With her hand held out I placed mine in hers as I said, "Tatyana. And thank you Genya."  With a nod she continued on with her work has I sat and watched her work.

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