The Hunt Begins

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         Has I traveled down the left path I removed my kefta and has I reached the stables I grabbed one of the dark grey jackets hanging there. Putting it on and taking my hair down from its up do, I made my way outside where I saw carriages sitting in wait for their owners. Spotting a small carriage off to the side I noticed it had a truck at the back of it. I looked around to see if anyone was around; seeing no one I climbed on top of the carriage and secured myself in the truck. A few moments later the carriage began to move, and for a split second I was afraid. What if this carriage is taking me back to Kirigan, what if it's taking me somewhere worse. No, the worst would be to be returned to him, my Shadow. Could I even call him that? I told him of my dreams of him, how he made me safe. I told him the truth about my powers, how I feared other's fear of my abilities. Closing my eyes, I felt has the tears began to fall. The source of them I couldn't fully place, were they because like Baghra said, I fell for his charms and his broken promises. A part of me in that moment wanted to be angry at him, hate him even. But I couldn't no matter how much I thought about his lies and deceit, I couldn't hate him. Which in turn made me angry with myself. Has I drifted off to sleep my mind, then my dreams were consumed of Kirigan, my Shadow.

     We were back at the fountain,  but instead of sitting with him, I stood and watched the scene play out. I saw how he took my hand and traced the scar across it. How he hung on to every word of my story about that fateful day in the woods with Mikael. "I promise I won't let anyone ever hate you again.", came his voice. Standing away from us, I saw how our eyes met in that moment. Even now I felt the pull to him as I did in that moment. Kirigan pulled away from me then, when the scene changed. Now I was in his war room where we shared our first kiss. "That means a lot to me Tatyana. You mean a lot, to everyone.", is what he said after I told him of these dreams. Turning away from the scene my mind flashed with the memories of conversations in the past. "You're Grisha, you're not alone." "You're not alone." Closing my eyes I fell to my knees, and when I opened them I was back inside the Fold. Looking around I saw that I was alone, when I saw the White Stag standing before me. That's when I felt him, my Shadow. "Tatyana.", came his voice softer then I had ever heard it. Turning to face him I took a stumbling step back at the scene before me. Wrapped in a romantic embrace was my Shadow, Kirigan with Alina. "Alina?!", I called out to her, only for both of them to ignore me. Has the stood there locked in their embrace, I saw how shadow and something else began to enclose around them. I tried calling out to Alina again still getting no response, when I looked to the side of them and saw Mal's dead body beside them. Looking from Mal's corpse and Alina with Kirigan I felt a pain and rage I had never felt before. I fell to my knees has Kirigan's shadows began to fill the spaces between us. His shadows that always gave me comfort, now began choking me. Trying to fight back the shadow, Kirigan turned to face me then with a smirk on his face. With my eyes locked with his and tears streaming down my face, I rose to my feet and form a large ball of silver light in my hands. Spreading my hands and arms out I continued to stare down Kirigan, has he arched his brow at me in challenge. Bringing my arms before me I drew my hands in and released a scream has I pushed the ball of silver light out towards the shadow. And just has the light was to reach Kirigan, I was jolted awake by the carriage I was in.  

     Now being jolted awake, I brought my hands together and form another ball of light, only this time it wasn't silver. But a mixture of colors, yellow, orange, and white. Before I could figure out why that was the carriage stopped. I decided to wait for a moment then to make sure no one was going to come back to the truck. Thinking to coast was clear, I tried to open the truck to find it locked, summoning my light again I turned my head has I shot a bolt of light through the lock causing it to release. Opening the truck and climbing out I was met by three sets of eyes. Jumping out of the truck I held my hands up has I face off with these three strangers. "We don't want any trouble." , said one of the three hold a cane. Looking from him to the others I replied, "Neither do I, so I'll just be on my way." He held up his cane to stop me from moving then has he spoke again. "Clearly, you want out of East Ravka. But we can help you. We have a secure route through the Fold." "I prefer traveling alone.", I said has I tried to move past him again. When another man, who was tall and lanky with his hand on a gun on his hip, spoke. "Don't be rash. You stick with us, everybody gets what they want." Picking up on what he was trying to insinuate I changed my stance ready for a fight has I spoke up. "I'm not being anyone's captive ever again. So step aside and let me pass." "I'm afraid we can't let that happen.", replied the tall light skin one. Just has he was about to grab his gun I shown a bright light in the two guys faces, causing them to turn away and cover their eyes. Turing to my left I saw the third member of this party; I tall slim frame girl with brown skin, but she simply put her hands up and casted her eyes down has she moved aside to let me pass. Looking her up and down one last time I made my break for it.

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