Chapter 50: Promise (Finale)

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"Woman, would you let me speak before you start to panic? I am not going to ask for your hand in marriage." He stated before mumbling a barely audible 'yet' that made my heart warm and caused butterflies to clap their wings in my tummy.

"Okay..." I let a breathy nervous laugh to leave my lips.

"I only propose one thing though. Park Yuna, would you go out on a date with me? Today maybe? Right now, to be more specific." He smiled cutely and I let out the long laugh that released all of my anxiety. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes. It's a yes." I laughed while nodding. I pulled him to his feet before he placed his soft lips on mine. Oh how I missed those lips, the way they moved gently against mine before demanding for more. Our lips were forced to separate but his forehead rested on mine.

"I never took you out on a date. This is the least I can do for you. The company already knows about us but since not all fans are accepting the idea of any of us dating anyone, I can only steal you for a few hours every now and then." I nodded understandingly before I captured his lips softly with mine. I felt honored, lucky and privileged to be his and only his. "Come. The girls are dying to style you."

"Oh so that's why there's a gorgeous looking young lady in this apartment." I paused. "Who's apartment is this anyway?"

"Ours." He answered casually before we both panicked. "I mean, mine and it could be hours when we want to step away from everything and everyone." I nodded. "And that young lady..." He paused to lean in and whisper into my ear. "She has nothing on you." I rolled my eyes before he walked out and a few equally beautiful girls entered the room.

"So... I hear you're going on a date with Mr. Kim." One of the girls commented in a friendly manner as she offered me her hand. "I'm Hannah. This is Su and we are here to help you capture his heart forever and ever." I laughed at her confidence in both her abilities and my relationship with Taehyung.

The girls did not disappoint. They dressed me up in a casual outfit. Just a simple beige trousers, a white top and a jacket that matched Taehyung's. The makeup was super simple which I appreciated immensely, the hair was only curled into beachy waves to give it a more natural look. It was all simple, I didn't know why they were needed, but I didn't mind being pampered to be honest.

 It was all simple, I didn't know why they were needed, but I didn't mind being pampered to be honest

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I walked out, finally ready for whatever date Tae had planned. The fond look he gave me, the loving gaze that consumed me forced a nervous laugh out of me. "Was it necessary for the girls to dress up like this?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

"I'm spoiling you tonight. Stop complaining." I rolled my eyes and he kissed my temple. I couldn't feel more safe and at ease, I was consumed with so much warmth and love that I wanted that exact moment to last forever.

Surprisingly, once we got into the elevator, the porter pushed in his keycard and the elevator started to go up. I looked at Tae and he just smirked looking down at our interlocked fingers.
The doors opened and there was a chopper ready for us. I couldn't hear anything, 50 Shades of Gray really made it look romantic when it was actually deafening. I squeezed my boyfriend's hand and I am sure my expression showed utter fear and disbelief. A regular plane, I'm okay with but a chopper?
"I promise it's safe!" He yelled over the loud noise. "I'm not the pilot! I'm not Christian Gray!!" I laughed at how similar our thoughts were. He flashed his signature boxy smile, satisfied at his successful attempt of making me feel more at ease.

I was strapped safely in place, with a headset on. My knees were bouncing indicating the nervous state I was in. He placed a hand on one and offered me a kind smile as he mouthed 'It'll be okay. I promise.' I nodded. Soon, we were off the roof, floating towards the stars.

Everything looked breathtaking from above, the city lights were mesmerizing, the night life in Seoul was something I always loved to observe from a far. It's always colorful and full of neon lights. Taehyung's hand never left mine which eased my nerves a bit. Every time I glanced up, I found him smiling at me and I felt heat creeping up on my cheeks every single time.

I spotted an empty secluded land from a far, lit up with glowing lights that seemed to be candles the closer we got to it. I looked up again and Taehyung smiled sheepishly and mouthed 'we're here.' I was grinning like a teenager, felt so odd and giddy being on a date with V. Kim Taehyung of BTS. It was all so surreal.

Once we landed safely and we were both guided towards the candle-lit path, the loud noises of the chopper died down and I was finally able to hear him. "Sorry this isn't much." He said nervously.

"You do realize our transportation to this secluded candle-lit spot was a chopper, right?" I asked dumbfounded and he giggled like an innocent baby. We finally arrived at the end of the path where there was a picnic setting all ready for us. "You did this?" He nodded.

"I know how much you love the stars so I though we'd eat something and stargaze together." My heart... I don't even know what happened to it. Did it race frantically? Did it stop and drop? Did it skip a few beats? I wouldn't know. I just knew how much my love for this man can never end.

The food was nice, the atmosphere was beyond romantic and I couldn't think of anything but being there at that moment with him. Oh was I lucky to be in love with this man. The man that always had my back, always gave me his shoulder to lean on, to cry on.

I could see him hesitating doing something for over 10 minutes since we laid down under the stars. I finally spoke. "Is everything okay? You seem nervous."

"I kind of am." He chuckled nervously which I found really cute. His voice though is nothing near cute but you already know what I mean. I looked at him expectantly. "I-I wr-rote a song. About us. You, actually. I mean..." He sighed, clearly frustrated of how nervous he was.

"You don't have to play it if you don't want to but I know it'll be perfect." I held his hand in mine and smiled, my eyes met his and I could only hope he could see what my eyes were trying to say, how they're fiercely in love with his, how they cannot keep any secrets from him, how they'll never ever look at anyone else as they were looking at him.

"I think I'll wait then. I want the world to hear it with us." He leaned in and placed his soft lips on mine, the way they moved made the moment feel magical and as if it was out of a fairytale. Our smiles interrupted the kiss but his soft hand caressed the side of my face and gently pulled me in to deepen the kiss. As if to show me how much he adored me, how crazy he was about this night and how passionate he truly is. "I love you." He whispered against my lips when were both out of breath.

"I love you too Kim Taehyung." I said as my gaze met his. His soft chuckle caused butterflies in my tummy. "Thank you for this perfect night." I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my nose in his neck.

"I promise this the first of many." I smiled against his soft skin, taking in everything that moment had to offer. I was happy, consumed with so much love, joy and happiness.

Just FYI, he never broke his promise.

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