Chapter 23: Am I Too Late?

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I was still at Liam's bar and maybe a bit tipsy when I got a call and excused myself.

"Hey, where are you?" I could barely hear him speaking due to the loud music that was playing. "Are you at a nightclub?"

"It's a bar. No one says the word nightclub anymore." I giggled.

"We're bored. Can we tag along?" He asked and I looked around. It seemed safe and Kpop-fanatic-free.

"Okay, but Jimin you have to ask your manager and have your guards be around. I can't guarantee the press won't show up. American paparazzi are invasive and rude. They're worse than dispatch." I yelled because I could barely hear myself.

"Okay, don't yell. Just send me the location. Okay?" He laughed over the phone and I nodded. "You're a bit tipsy that you're nodding right now aren't you?" I nodded again.

"I mean, yes. I'll text you." I am not tipsy. I can manage to talk, walk and share a location to Seokie. Oh shit. Jimin. I should send it to Jimin.

Almost an hour later, they walked in. "Hello everyone." Joon came in and greeted everyone.

"Joon!! You're heeerrree!! I clung onto him." He hugged me back but had a worried look on his face as Jin just chuckled rubbing my back.

"Hey beautiful. You okay?" Tae asked as the others came in and I introduced the two groups before they all took their seats. I couldn't help but notice that Seok is missing and in all honesty I was a bit tipsy because I was worried about him. I didn't know what I did to upset him. I didn't know where he was or why wasn't he answering my calls or texts. But I just faked a smile and nodded. No one would have understood how I was feeling anyways.

"Who wants to dance?" I asked. Mia took a shot of whatever drink she had in her hand before she stood and dragged me by the wrist down the stairs and to the dance floor. The place was crowded. If she wasn't holding my hand I would have definitely lost her in the crowd. We danced together as the others slowly joined. The boys wore snapbacks just in case someone recognized them. But I was pretty sure everyone around us was either drunk or high.

I was dancing with when I felt a pair of hands resting on my sides. I almost jumped but the hands kept me steady. "I missed you." He whispered. I tried to get out of his grip but he held me tightly.

"Nate, I think you're way too drunk right now." I said again as I tried to push his hands away. But I still couldn't. I panicked when I felt him pulling me closer to him.

"Nate. She's clearly not interested." I heard Mia talking to him as she tried to pull me away. I searched for one of the boys. Anyone to peel him off of me.

My eyes met Joon and he knew I was in trouble but he was faraway so he struggled to come through. "Nate. Please stop." I pleaded one last time trying to push him away. But I was already in tears.

I felt him being ripped off of me. "She told you to stop." Joon arrived just in time to stop Hoseok from throwing a punch at Nate. That would have ended badly.

"Alright buddy. You need a cab." Liam came and dragged Nate away from the scene. "Make sure he gets home safely." He said to one of his workers who nodded and dragged him out of the bar. "Are you okay?" He asked but before I could answer, I was dragged out by the wrist.

"Slow down.." I said trying to pull my hand out of Seok's grip.

"Do you even realize what could have happened to you?" He yelled in the middle of the street.

"Yes. I do. I was terrified and don't you dare blame me for what happened. No girl wants to be treated like that."

"I'm not blaming you but why would you go out with such a jerk?!"

"I did not go out with him. It was a friends' outing. He's one of my friends."

"Well, you should know who to befriend."

"Yeah. I obviously keep befriending the wrong guys."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"No. Please do continue."

"I don't know what I mean. I'm drunk."

"Try me."

"I just know that I keep fucking falling for my friends and they only notice me or act on their feelings when it's too late."

"Am I too late?"

"And when they do, it becomes weird just like with Jaebeom and now Nate."



"Am. I. Too. Late?" He said slowly. Paused briefly between each word.

My heart skipped a beat. Or was it racing as if I ran a marathon? I don't know but it was definitely something I haven't felt before.

"Answer me GODDAMN IT!" I flinched.

"NO!" I yelled back.

He only needed to hear one word. Just one. To run over to me and kiss me like he never did before. His lips crashed into mine as we allowed our lips to move passionately together. I wanted the moment to last. I was so terrified of this being a dream. If it was, I never wanted to wake up. I felt my cheeks getting wet but it wasn't my own tears. "I'm so fucking terrified." He whispered against my lips.

I stepped back meeting his gaze. "Of what?" I asked.

"Of this." He held my hand. "Of us." He guided my hand to his chest. "Of you owning this fucking fragile piece of me." His tears were streaming down his face and so were mine. "Of this moment being a dream." I didn't know what to say. I was lost for words, I just wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly.

"That makes two of us."

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