Chapter 18: The Fight

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"Okay everyone out of my room let the man sleep in peace." I pushed them all out. Once we were back in the living room I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Just so we're clear, you guys already know Seokie and I are best friends. He probably did something stupid and wanted to talk to me first. Postpone your interrogation until he's sober. Okay?" They all nodded suspiciously. "Good. Now that's all clear. Let's have dinner."

After dinner Jisu called so I took the call to the terrace. We talked for a while about a lot of things, updated her about my situation with Hoseok and such but soon she had to hang up. As I turned and was ready to go back in, I was met by curious eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Are you with him?" His voice could barely be heard.

"No I'm not with Hoseok. As I said before, we're best friends."

"But I know that state. I used to come to you when I got drunk out of my head."

"Were we ever together?" I was getting a bit agitated. We were on good terms, why bring up such memories. "Jay, listen.. I will still be there for you if you ever have one of those nights again. I don't recommend it but I would still be there. Why? Because we're friends. Just as me and Hobi are." Only difference is, I am sleeping with my current best friend whom I have feelings for.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Don't worry abou-.."

"No, you don't understand. I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For being a coward. Not being true to my feelings for you and burying them deep inside instead. And when I finally wanted to tell you, it was too late. You deserve better then being treated like a friend when you obviously meant more." He said then broke into a cheeky grin. The smile that shows up whenever he's embarrassed. As much as I missed this, having him around as much as it feels different. My heart doesn't flutter like it used to, our memories don't hurt me anymore, I just feel like... like he's just a good friend.

As we walked back in, the place was almost quiet just faded noises coming from the kitchen. Saw Jinyoung placing back the dried dishes back in the cabinet. "Oppa, I could have done that in the morning." I seemed to have startled him since he jumped slightly.

"Oh, hey.. no it's fine. I just thought I should clean up. You cooked my favorite tonight. This was the least I could do." He hugged me after stepping away from the wiped clean kitchen. "You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for. You know I'm always here for you, right?" I nodded in his arms.

"Where are the others?" Referring to the storm of chaotic beings who were raiding my living room.

"Jackson is up with Bangtan, Mark hyung is in one of the guest rooms. If you don't mind, we'll take the other one." I shook my head. "I mean, with Hoseok asleep in your room we can take the living room and you take the guest room." Jaebeom nodded instantly in agreement.

"It's okay, I have a sofa in my own room. I'll sleep there. Seok might wake up confused, it's better if I'm there to scold him when he's hungover and cranky." I giggled. Jinyoung chuckled.

"That's my baby sister." He said proudly before ruffling my hair. Although my brother trusted me, Jay didn't seem convinced but whatever. It ain't my problem anymore.

I went back to my room, changed into something more comfortable, washed up and when I walked out from the bathroom in my sleeping attire, I saw the drunk man sleeping peacefully on my bed. He looked so peaceful, until he shuffled all of a sudden, I took a closer look, saw his eyebrows furrowed, sweat glistened the roots of his hair.
He's having a nightmare.
I ran up to him, sat next to him and tried to wake him. "Seok, Hoseok.." Nothing. Just aggressive movement. I nudged his shoulders a bit harder he woke up gasping for air. "Hey, hey... you're okay. You're here with me. Everything's okay. You're awake." I said, in attempt to calm him down. I held onto his wrist to check his pulse, it was as if he ran a marathon.

"You're here."

"In my room. Yes." He chuckled faintly.

"I love you." I almost choked. What did he just say?

"What?" He chuckled before leaving a sloppy kiss against my lips and laying back down on the bed. He's still drunk. He probably thought I was someone else.

The next morning I woke up to kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Seok crouching down, playing with my hair and smiling sweetly at me. For a split second I forgot about everything and was lost in the moment. But for some reason his eyes exposed him, showing me how he felt heartbroken at the time. At that moment it all came back to me he's in love with someone else. I put myself in this situation. I put myself as replacement for someone he cannot seem to have. "Morning beautiful. It's too early to overthink things, you know?" He spoke and cut off my chain of thoughts.

"Seok, do you not remember what happened last night?" I need to know if he meant it or not. If it is actually me he wanted to say those three little words that meant everything to me. I was searching for his eyes when his smile faltered.

"I'm sorry, I called you dumb." My heart started racing. I looked down waiting for him to say it. He seemed sober enough to know what he's about to say. "And in front of Jinyoung and the others." Oh... that..

"You don't remember anything after?" Please? Please? I looked up, hurt as I felt a knife deeply engraved in my heart.

"Ummmm, no. Did I do something stupid?"

"No, no." I shook my head and looked away. "I probably did." I said in a low voice.

I probably did when I thought there was an actual chance you'd fall for me as much as I did for you. But that's not the case, is it?

"So, did you have fun with Suhee?" I asked coldly as I stood and started to tidy up the room.

"Suhee? I didn't go out with her." He paused and rubbed his face in frustration. "I tried calling you. But apparently you were busy." He said sarcastically.

Oh my phone. I haven't seen it since I started making dinner. "Yes. I was busy making dinner for Jinyoung."

"And your lifelong crush." He chuckled and I just stood there, staring in disbelief. Why does he keep on bringing that up?

"He's not my crush anymore. He's just a friend." I groaned tidying up the bed furiously.

"Then who is the one you're currently obsessing over? You keep saying you have feelings for a new guy but you won't tell me who it is."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe it's because you keep nagging about my feelings for other people and making me feel stupid for having feelings in the first place?"

"That's because you fall for the wrong guys."

"How would you know? You only know about Jaebeom."

"Because you won't tell me!!"

"Ugh!!" I groaned loudly. "Well, I guess it's just a vicious circle isn't it?"

"I guess it is."

We both stormed out of the room to see everyone sitting awkwardly around the dining table munching on their breakfast. Well, this isn't awkward.

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