Chapter 41: The Lengths I'd Go Through

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(Taehyung's POV)
I guess this is the time when I tell you about how I fell for Yuna. Yes, I had a tiny crush on her the moment I met her. Then I started to notice how she acted differently around Hoseok hyung, thought maybe because they were close but that thought soon had to be changed.

The night I kissed her and told her about my feelings she pouted cutely, said that it was her dream to fall in love with her best friend, someone she'd befriend and would take care of her without her noticing. Someone who'd protect her and defend her honor. She said she knew it sounded cheesy but she thinks she felt that way with Hoseok hyung.

That moment I knew I had no chance with her, my denial soon became about me having any sorts of feelings for her. I didn't want to admit how I fell madly and deeply for her. How cute she gets when she's drunk, how much she drove me crazy whenever she gets into stealth mode teaching us a choreography and how angelic she looked while sleeping peacefully. I denied it all. I tried to force myself to believe that she's like a sister to me.
I could barely let myself acknowledge my feelings when Jinyoung hyung cornered me the night we came back from the hospital.
I tried to convince myself that she's just a friend, she's someone else's girl. But she made it really hard to believe.

Back when we were on tour, she had told me about the panic attacks and how she should handle them, I helped her through them the first couple of concerts at the states but those episodes later disappeared. I always wondered why she told me about it and not Hoseok hyung. But brushed it off and thought maybe she didn't want to burden him with such things. Again, I tried to push any odd thoughts out of my head but she was cruel for making it so hard not to fall for her.

I remember how me, Jungkook and Jimin collapsed the moment we ended the stage at Wembley. She refused to leave me while hyungs were divided; some were with Jungkook and others helped take Jimin to the ER. I remember how her tears were streaming like a river down her face as she held onto my hand tightly. I memorized her words by heart. "You were my strength during this hectic time. I'll be yours if you'll let me." Little did she know how I fought my killing fatigue to stay conscious just to let her know that I'll never leave her side. I wanted to tell her then and there. (Even if every second is not spent with you, even if you were someone else's. Just being in your embrace erases the fatigue of the day. That is all that matters to me, being with you is all that matters to me). But I couldn't. I couldn't do that to her, to my hyung, to our family. I wanted to be selfish but I couldn't. The cost was too expensive and I decided that holding onto the pain for an unknown while is way better than losing it all.

This is why I have to protect her at all costs, from this harsh world, that witch Seohyun, and from myself. She's just too precious. I wouldn't want her to end up with someone as selfish as myself. Nonetheless, I will stop at nothing to protect this girl. Protect the one who owns my heart without her knowing.

So when I saw her that day wearing my sweater that basically looked like a mini dress on her, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about all the possibilities of us getting together. How she'd look so good in my clothes, how she'd feel resting lazily on my lap, how I wouldn't be able to restrain my own arms from holding her and showing the world that she's mine. I probably made her feel awkward when I actually did that but I felt like I wanted to be selfish at that moment. I wanted to know how it would feel in order to move on. At least that was the lie I told myself, an excuse to do everything I wished to do with her.

I hope you know what she means to me. I hope you understand the lengths I'd go through to protect this girl whom I'll never call mine. I hope you don't judge me when I tell you that me, Jungkook, Yugyeom and Bambam planned this whole thing since day one. We joined our own fansites as random fans to feed our real fans about our whereabouts to show them how uncomfortable we were around Seohyun. If we had any chance of getting rid of that witch we needed our fans' help. We were always feeding the fansites snippets of how Seohyun is having beef with our beloved Yuna, the girl who was nothing less than a sweetheart to ARMY, protecting the boys and taking care of ARMY. We always said that we just need a physical proof to send to BigHit. Something to protect the boys and Yuna from that witch Seohyun.

It was Jungkook's fake account that leaked our whereabouts that night. We knew Seohyun would see the comment and crash our dinner. As sick as she is, she'd see the negative comments and still manage to show up at whatever place we'd be in. We also knew that she's full of herself that she wouldn't miss the opportunity to bicker on Yuna and annoy her. But little did we know she'd go as far as frame Yuna like that and going public. We knew she was crazy and possessive but that was taking it too far.

Thankfully some ARMY did show up and they recorded everything. The way they leaked the video of Seohyun pulling Yuna's hair threatening her then Yuna suffering from a cranked neck afterwards and Seohyun practically admitting she's stalking us. It was all so perfect to not only issue a restraining order but also suing her for assault and invading our privacy.

It's sad how Yuna's still worried about what Seohyun's going to do next. I hugged her tightly, nuzzled my nose against her neck, and smirked against her skin when I heard her breath hitching. "Relax. She's not gonna hurt you anymore. I'll never let anything bad happen to you."

(Yuna's POV)
I heard those exact words from Jin but somehow I only got goosebumps when I heard those words coming from him. I hated myself for that, I hated my heart for fluttering like that. I hated how good I felt feeling him consuming like that. I hated how I wanted it to last forever, how I wanted that to be a part of my daily routine. I pushed all of those useless thoughts out of my head.

"Okay, but what will happen?" I asked as I stood back again.

"Nothing. A lawsuit had been filed against her on your behalf and a restraining order as well. BigHit is taking care of it so you don't have to worry." Joon explained. "Everything's settled. She can't do anything anymore. No one's gonna trust her after the stunt she pulled."

Well, I guess that's the end for Seohyun.

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