{=:ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙:=}

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Nene ran for her life up the stairs, looking around desperately for a place to hide. She heard glass shattering followed by her mothers shrieking. Tears blurring her vision, she ran to her bedroom and grabbed her phone on her nightstand as well as her earbuds, and bolted to her brothers old room then dived into his old closet and closed the door slowly so she couldn't be heard. 

The shrieking had stopped which made her uneasy, she could feel something was wrong. Then it sounded as if an elephant was stomping up the stairs followed by a door almost being broken off of its hinges. She quickly connected her headphones and dialed 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?" She heard the dispatcher ask. She didn't dare speak back. She couldn't risk her father hearing her. 

"Hello?" She heard the dispatcher ask again. 

"If you are unable to speak for any reason, please press 1 for police, 2 for firefighters, and 3 for an ambulance." She heard the dispatcher say. With shaky hands she pressed 1 and 3. 

"You need police and an ambulance sweetie? If that is correct please press 4 for yes and 5 for no." Nene pressed 4 but then she heard her father scream for her. 

"Where are you you little brat?!" Following the yelling she heard smashing. Her father was probably tearing up her room across the hall to find her. She started to weep again but quickly covered her mouth. But the weeping caught the attention of the 911 dispatcher on call with her.

"Sweetie can you whisper your name? Would you rather not? Feel free to answer with 5 for no." She didn't want to but she figured her dad was to busy destroying things that it wouldn't hurt to whisper her name quickly. So in a shaky voice she said her name. 

"I-I'm Yashiro N-Nene.." She whispered in the clearest voice she could and quickly covered her mouth again.

"Hello Nene, You can call me Yako. You are a brave girl, Nene. Now I'm going to trace the call and find out where you are so I can send help ok? Can you stay on the phone with me in the meantime?" Yako asked. She didn't know if she could but she figured it was worth a  try, so she pressed 4 on her phone. 

"Alright I'm going to ask you a few questions while the police get there okay?" The dispatcher ask questions for a few minutes and she answered using 4 and 5. It was only a few minutes but it felt like hours. 

Soon Nene heard the bedroom door slam open, and the police still haven't arrived yet. Her vision was blurry due to crying so much. From inside the closet she heard her dad turning the room upside down looking for her. She knew at most she had a minute before being found. 

In a split second the closet swung open, revealing her father standing before her. Her eyes widened in horror, and his flickered with rage. 

"There you are you little brat!" He shouted. She held on tightly to her phone and tried to scramble out of the closet and leave as fast as she could without getting hit, but it was to late. She heard a loud 'Crack!' as he grabbed her wrist. She slowly looked at her wrist that was now crooked. As soon as she realized what had happened she screamed. 

"Shut up!" He yelled as he threw her against the wall. She shrieked as her limp body hit the floor. 

"P-Please... stop..." She let out a small whimper. 

"Nene?! Nene is everything okay?!" She heard Yako ask through one earbud that was still in her. She lifted her phone slowly and pressed 5. 

"What are you doing with your phone?!" He yanked the phone out of her hand. Shivers were sent down her spine as he looked at the phone in pure anger and rage. 

"You idiot! You called the police?!" He threw the phone to the ground and with that she heard it shatter, and Yako's voice cutting out. 

"Ne-e! H-ng ti-ht! -e-p is on th- --- wa-" And with that Nene's only hope had left her. All that could be heard through the earbud that was in her ear was static. 

She couldn't make out what Yako had said to her but she wasn't to focused on that in the moment. She wanted to run but she didn't have a place to run to. So she sat there, frozen. Frozen with fear. 

Her father then yanked her out of the room by the hair. She screamed in pain and begged him to let go, but he wouldn't. He dragged her all the way downstairs, ignoring her kicking, screaming, and crying. 

He threw her on the kitchen floor next to her mother, who was already out cold. and she landed on her broken wrist and she let out another scream. 

"Shut up!" He screamed. He grabbed the nearest glass bottle and hit her on the head with all of his might. Her vision started to blur and she fell down on the cold hard floor next to her mother. She lifted her hand to the back of her head and as her hand came back in sight she saw her fingers covered in blood. 

Her vision got worse but she heard a knock at the door. Grunting, her father answered it. From what she could make out, they were people in blue shirts and hats. Her ears were ringing but she thought she heard them ask for her. 

That's when she was to tired to move or react to anything. But before she slipped into unconsciousness she heard her father cursing at the people along with her door being broken down. She could've sworn she felt herself being picked up by someone before she fell completely unconscious. 


New story lol I'm gonna update my other one soon to don't worry :P

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