{=:ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞:=}

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Nene got up from the porch. She had ran out of tears a few minutes ago. Now, she figured she could at least try to find something to get for her father. But she was a broke high school student with 75 yen in her pocket, what was she to do?

Walking along the sidewalk under the pink, sunset-dusted sky, she felt her own hunger slowly eating away at her. She clenched a fistful of the fabric on her uniform in an attempt to sooth the hunger pains lingering in her stomach. To no avail, of course. It was a dumb idea to begin with. However, she still held tightly on to the fabric regardless. She was walking slowly and she was horribly drained. Anyone walking past would give her weird or concerned looks, but not bothered enough to ask what was wrong.

She hadn't eaten a full meal in about 36 hours. She didn't eat lunch today because it costs money, and she needed to save what little she had left for her father back at home. And when he had snapped at her earlier she had forgotten about the cupped noodles out of panic. She had only one of the sushi rolls she made, but just one wasn't a meal.

She had absolutely nothing at the moment. So she just been wandering aimlessly for a while now. She had her phone with her, but she didn't have anyone she could really call. She had two contacts, Her mother and her father. Her mother had to still be at work, and her father definitely wasn't in the best mood.

She was walking past a convenience store and her stomach had to make a fuss. She saw all the little snacks perfectly aligned together on the shelves through the windows. It looked a lot more appealing than normal in her hungry state, she hadn't even realized she was gripping on her clothing tighter. She sighed and went in, even though she was perfectly aware of her situation, she knew she couldn't afford anything. She convinced herself she went in because it was getting dark and colder.

She wandered the isles, glancing every-which way at each little snack. She was slowly torturing herself by doing this, teasing herself with snacks in her view but knowing she couldn't afford them. Why did she do this to herself?

She sighed. She was just about to leave, but she caught a familiar silhouette in the corner of her eye. The tall, slender figure of her science teacher.

Why? Why of all people did she have to run into him? The one person she knew would push her for answers as to why she was out so late?

The universe just hated her today.

She turned quickly on her heel and hastily grabbed the handle labeled 'push' to open the door. Oh, but to little too late. "Yashiro-san?"


She winced at the call of her name. The ever so familiar clack of footsteps she heard every time she ran into him, were coming towards her. She had been caught. She couldn't do anything except pray that he wouldn't ask anything.

"Ah," She said, pretending to have only just noticed him. "Hello Tsucigomori-sensei." She reluctantly let go of the handle of the door and turned to the tall and looming presence now standing two feet away from her.

"Well, isn't this convenient." He smirked a little at his own pun. She let out a laugh a little to fake for her own good. "That was a good one!" She said. She tried to perk up her voice. If Tsuchigomori noticed her weird behavior, he didn't show it.

"Hey, what are you doing out here alone? It's pretty late." He asked. There it was, the question she was dreading. "Uhm..." Nene trailed off, her eyes darting around the place, scanning for an excuse of some sort. "I was... just... shopping?" It came out as more of a question than as the answer she intended.

"Your parents aren't with you?" He pushed, glancing at their surroundings. Her muscles became very tense. She bit down hard on her lip, trying to get rid of the lump of regret slowly rising in her throat. "I uh..."

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