{=:ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜:=}

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"Are you okay?"

Amane shot his head up, his eyes landed on a frail-looking girl. First, his eyes trailed to her silver hair with teal tips, then her captivating magenta eyes, but it wasn't long before he noticed all the bandages she wore.

'That's a lot of injuries, is she okay?' He thought. He'd never seen someone besides himself who was wrapped up as much as she was, it made him worry a bit.

"Hello? Are you okay?" She repeated, waving her hand in front of his face, making him jump a little. He hadn't even noticed he was spacing out!

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He blurted out quickly. She gave him a concerned look, as if she didn't believe him.

"Are you sure? You didn't seem okay a minute ago.." She said worriedly.

"Yep! I'm sure. Oh, I gotta go my brother will be waiting for me, bye!" He grabbed his bag that was next to him and threw it over his shoulder. He bolted out of the room leaving the nice girl there, alone, and confused.

He was now alone in the hallway, just him and his crazed thoughts. He slowed his pace when he realized he was a safe distance from the classroom.

'That girl...she had...'

'...really fat ankles...'


Tsukasa had a friend over today, someone named Nastuhiko or something. This meant that Amane had some time today to get some homework done before Tsukasa snapped at something. It wasn't easy living in constant fear that someone will hurt you, but he had gotten used to it by now.

He plopped down in his desk chair and wheeled to his backpack. He pulled out a crumpled paper and wheeled back to his desk. He reached for a pencil and started examining the paper, it was a bunch of questions going over matter.

He scribbled down the answers, but he wasn't paying much attention to the questions. He had a hard time focusing, he just couldn't seem to shake off the strange encounter with the girl from earlier. It was all he could think about for some reason.

He decided to drop the paper for now and take a break. It was a clear sky tonight so he could get a good look at the moon and constellations. He stood up from the spinny chair and waltzed to the closet in the corner of his room. 

"Okay... I knew I put it here somewhere..." He rummaged around the closet looking for his telescope, the telescope his father gave him before he died in an accident overseas with his mother.

"Ah! Here!" He pulled it out from in a deep pile of clothes. He walked over to the casement window beside his bed and pushed it open, letting the celestial light seep into the room.

The cool night air brushed his cheeks and forehead while he leaned out to see the sky. It was  painted in stars, and and decorated in light clouds that created a stardust effect. It looked like something from a book, or an art piece you would see in a museum.

His tense feelings had faded and was replaced by fascination and interest for the beautiful night he was seeing in the moment. It was kind of lonely, but not in a bad way, he hadn't had time to himself like this in a long time.

He placed the telescope on its stand and adjusted the lens to see through it better. He looked through the telescope to see...black?

"What?" He peeked out from the telescope to see what what was wrong, only too discover nothing was wrong. Instead, there was a furry black kitten that seemed to make its way on his windowsill. The kitten blocked the view of the telescope, that was why it was so dark. 

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