{=:ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚:=}

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Banging could be heard on the bathroom door. The bathroom was Amane's safe place, but also a dead end.

"Amane... Let. Me. In!"

He scrambled to find something, anything, that could use. He searched the mirror cabinet, and he searched the drawers under the sink, but there was nothing. Nothing at all he could use for self defense.

The banging on the door got louder as Tsukasa was growing angrier. He hid in a corner as he heard Tsukasa scream for him. He sat down and pulled his knees to his chest. The banging was so unbearable to him he had to cover his ears.

'When will this ever end?' He wondered. Tsukasa was always sort of sadistic when they were younger, he always knew that. He had hoped that as he and his twin got older he would grow out of it. But after their parents died in an accident overseas, it got worse. Without their parents to control Tsukasa, he was free to run wild. He had a ton of pent up anger and took it out on him. first it was just shouting, but it evolved to something bigger later down the line. 

The banging on the door seemed to be really fast now, it almost matched his own heartbeat. Tears ran down his cheeks and fell onto his shirt. He buried his face into his knees and rocked back and forth on the cold hard floor. The banging fell silent, and Amane braced for what was coming to him. 


The bathroom door that shielded him from his twin fell to the floor. He felt his heart stop and the color drain from his face as his psychotic twin let out a laugh.  

"Amane it was a nice try... but it makes me angrier when you don't cooperate with me." Tsukasa said with a smile as if there was nothing wrong with the situation. It made him sick how this was so easy for his twin. 

"And you know what happens when I'm angry." 


Attention, It is 5:30 pm. All students who are still on the premises should gather their things and take care getting home. 

"Again Yugi?" His teacher complained. Amane avoided eye contact and stared out of the window he was sitting next to.

"I don't get it. Why is it always the good kids who end up like this." His sensei sighed and rubbed his head with an annoyed look in his eyes. Amane turned his head to the sulking teacher.

"What do you mean Mister Tsuchigomori?" His teacher looked back at him with serious eyes before sighing once again.

"There is this other student of mine, she comes to school in bandages and bruises just like you. She arrived today late with a broken wrist, I'm extremely concerned for the both of you." This surprised him more than he thought, he didn't expect that kind of answer from his teacher.

"The girl doesn't talk to anyone, she pretty much isolates herself from her peers, and she refuses my help when I offer to get her new bandages. But she's a good student." He said as he closed up the first aid kit and placed it in a drawer in his desk. 

"Hah. It's like you two are soulmates or something." Tsuchigomori laughed while looking back at him. He decided to avoid his sensei's little comment and ask more about this girl.

"D-Do you know anything about her home situation?" He asked in a shaky tone, he was genuinely  concerned for her, he was scared her home life matched with his. Tsuchigomori sighed at his question. 

"Kid, even if I did I couldn't say. That's another students personal info. To be honest I know nothing about her situation." He stated honestly as he turned his back and started to write tomorrows assignment on the blackboard. 

"Makes sense." He replied. Tsuchigomori turned back to him and walked over to the desk he was at.

"Speaking of personal lives, when will you tell me who does this to you?" His sensei said as he patted his head. He looked up to the tall adult and stared at him dead in the eyes. 

"I really don't mind it Tsuchigomori-sensei." 



I'm sorry its short and I haven't updated I've been swarmed with work and I wanted to write during the weekend but I couldn't due to mothers day and stuff I'm sorry :( I'm also working on my other story so I'll get that done soon I promise thank you for the recent support aswell <3

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