she carries you to bed

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Joy put the car in park as she pulled into the driveway.

As fun of a day as you both had with the girls, she was more than happy to be home. She's worn out after your long and busy but exciting day. She was also worn out from driving, more than ready to go into the house and crawl into bed with you.

She pulled the keys out of the ignition, causing the music to turn off and the lights to turn on.

She turned her head and felt her heart flutter over the sight of you sound asleep, curled up in the passenger seat with your head on the door and your lips parted, soft and steady breaths falling from them as you slept peacefully.

"Baby? We're home," she said and rubbed your thigh, only for you to let out a soft sound and reposition your head against the door to continue sleeping.

She sighed and got out of the car before coming to your side. She unbuckled your seatbelt and stroked your cheek.

When you opened your eyes, you saw that she was already staring at you. She was all smiles as she stared into your tired eyes, her touch against your cheek still soft as ever.

"C'mon, my girl. We're home. Let's go in the house and up to bed."

"No, I'll just sleep here." You mumbled tiredly, eyes slipping shut as you tried to fall back asleep.

Joy shook her head with a giggle.

"You don't want to spend the night in the car, silly." She teased and pulled you out of the car.

Your eyes were too heavy to keep open so you kept them closed. Seeing that you were just too tired to go inside, Joy picked you up and lifted you over her shoulder.

You chuckled tiredly against her neck, where you comfortably buried your face.

She smelled so good and you couldn't help the blissful sigh that fell from your lips as her scent filled your lungs.

She tightened her arms around you to keep you safe and secure in her embrace as she closed the front door behind her and took the stairs one by one.

"Are you okay?" She asked, watching her own feet move as she took the stairs extra carefully so she wouldn't trip and risk hurting you.

"Yeah." You mumbled tiredly, eyelashes fluttering against her skin causing a tickling sensation to rush over her and a giggle to fall from her lips, which she quickly buried in your hair when she reached the top step and started to make her way down the hall to your shared room.

It felt like you were floating on a cloud, so comfortable that you almost fell back asleep.

You were just drifting away, finding comfort in the beat of her heart against your chest.

But soon, you felt your back touch the mattress and you knew you were in the warmth of your bed now.

It was still hard to open your eyes since you felt so worn out, but you wanted so badly to catch a glimpse of your sweet girlfriend as she tucked you in under the blankets.

You managed to open them and found her smiling from ear to ear when your eyes locked.

"Hey, sleepyhead." She whispered and leaned in to kiss your forehead, only for you to tilt your head back a bit so her lip would hit yours instead.

She giggled into the kiss, the feeling and the joyous sound causing butterflies to fill your chest.

"Cuddle with me?"

She nodded and changed from her jeans into her pajama bottoms before she laid down beside you.

Your head fell to her shoulder immediately. You closed your eyes again, finding inexpressible warmth and security in her arms as she wrapped them around you.

Her hand fell to your back and slipped beneath your shirt. She ran her fingertips along your skin, scratching and rubbing it.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she tangled her legs with yours, giggling when you puckered your lips to lay a lazy but sweet kiss to her neck.

"Love you, Joy. Can you sing to me?"

Your heart fluttered as she began to sing your favorite song in your ear, her lips occasionally moving from your earlobe and to your cheek to press a kiss there before trailing them back to your ear, humming and singing softly to soothe you to sleep.

Her voice, her touch, and her warm arms helped you to fall back asleep in no time.

Your soft breaths fell against her skin and she felt a warmth in her heart as you held her a little tighter in your sleep.

"Sweet dreams, my sweet girl." She whispered before closing her eyes to drift off to sleep with you.

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