finding out that you're pregnant (requested)

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"Oh, hi, sweet girl!" Joy happily greeted you as she put her arms around you.

She had only come through the door just a few seconds prior and you had practically jumped on her, your arms thrown around her neck to hold her tight.

"So, did you miss me today?"

You giggled before kissing her neck lovingly and then pulling away.

"Maybe a little."

She shook her head with a smile before she pulled you in for a sweet kiss.

When you pulled away, you took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

"What's going on?" She questioned as you had her sit at the table.

"I made something for you."

"For me?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows before a smile pulled at her lips. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise." You said before turning toward the oven.

It began to beep and you knew that the surprise for Joy had finished.

You put on an oven mitt before opening the oven and taking the snack out of it.

"What is it?" She asked.

You went to the table and set the tray down in front of her.

This time, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at what was in front of her.


"Not just bread. Be more specific." You spoke.

"Uh," She said as she looked it over. "A bun?"

"And where was this bun?"

"In the oven."

You nodded and waited for her to put the pieces together.

"Put it together." You said as you waited for the lightbulb to go off in her head.

"A bun in the oven." She said as she began to pick the bun apart, eating little bites of it.

But she froze as soon as the words clicked.

"A bun... in the oven." She said before looking at you. "Are you... you're pregnant?"

You and Joy have been waiting so long to start a family of your own and you went through all of your options very carefully before deciding on the one that was right for her.

And it seemed that it had been successful because you're pregnant.

You pulled the test out from your pocket and placed it in front of Joy, allowing her to see the positive pregnancy test for herself.

"You're pregnant? Oh my god!"  She yelled excitedly before she stood up and threw her arms around you.

She didn't pull you in for a tight hug, the way she usually does when she hugs you.

She kept her grip on you loose and comforting.

She peppered kisses across your face and squealed excitedly as she held you.

"I can't believe it! You're pregnant!"

"I am, Joy," You grinned as you pulled away to look into her eyes. "I'm pregnant. We're having a baby."

She was tearing up from the happiness she felt and she couldn't help the tear that slipped down her cheek.

"I've never been so happy." She said as she looked into your eyes, softly kissing the corners of your lips. "I love you so much and I can't wait to start this journey with you."

She knelt on the floor in front of you and brushed her hand across your stomach adoringly.

"I can't wait to meet you." She said, her lips lovingly brushing against your skin. "I love you so much already."

You just smiled as you watched her, knowing already that she was going to be the best mom in the world.

Joy Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now