Chapter 7: Y/n confesses to Gajeel

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(This whole chapter will be in Y/n's POV)

Y/n's POV
Just then, Levy came up to me, and it looked like she wanted to say something to me.

"Hey, n/n," Levy said. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Um, sure," I answered. "What is it?"

"How would you like it if you were apart of Natsu's team?" Levy asked, her voice sounding concerned. "I think that might be a good idea, you know. With everything between you and Droy."

"Yeah," I answered. "That's a good idea. As long as I can still go on jobs with you guys, I'll be fine with changing teams."

"Of course, you can still go on jobs with us," Levy replied. "I need help keeping the boys in check after all."

"Haha!" I giggled. "Yeah, you do. Does Natsu know about it though?"

"Yeah," Levy answered. "I was the one who ran the idea by him first. And besides, it'll be a great way to get closer to Gajeel. I know you like him."

"AH!" I squeaked, quickly covering Levy's mouth with my hand. "Shhhh! Don't let him hear you!"

"And you're whispering, why?" Levy asked, looking a bit confused. "C'mon, n/n. You have to tell him at some point. You might never get the chance to tell him how you feel. Just go over there, and tell Gajeel how you feel. And I'm sure Gajeel feels the same way about you."

"Fine," I sighed. "But you have to come with me! I'm too scared to do it alone."

"Heh," Levy giggled. "Deal. As long as you tell Gajeel how you feel about him, I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Thanks, Levy," I said, giving her a hug. "I owe you one."

"No biggie," Levy replied. "As long as you let me help you get ready for the first date."

"Deal," I said, turning around to go talk to Gajeel. "W-where did he go?"

"I don't know," Levy replied. "Why not use your sense of smell to find him? I mean, you're able to find Stella every now and then when you can't find her."

"Right," I said, sniffing the air to try and pick up Gajeel's scent. Once I got a whiff of the air, I could tell that I might've found Gajeel's scent.

"Do you have his scent?" Levy asked, watching me perk up once I found the scent.

"I think I found his scent, but I don't know," I replied. "It smells like lilac, iron, and strangely enough, lavender."

"Lilac and lavender?" Levy asked. "I mean, the iron makes sense but lilac and lavender? Aren't those your two favorite flowers?"

"Yeah," I answered. "They are. But why would Gajeel smell like them? I don't get it. Honestly, Gajeel doesn't seem like the type of guy to smell like flowers. What's he up to?"

"It looks like I was right about Gajeel feeling the same way," Levy replied. "He's probably picking flowers for you or getting ready to ask you out on a date."

"I don't think so, Levy," I countered. "Gajeel could care less about a girl like me. He attacked you and the boys. Gajeel even tried attacking me on my way home. I doubt that he'll want to be with a girl like me."

"Would you stop beating yourself up?" Levy asked. "If you like him, you wouldn't be acting like this. And besides, why would Gajeel smell like your two favorite flowers if he didn't like you back?"

"Yeah," I said. "You're right. Wait!"

"What's wrong, n/n?" Levy asked. "Did you lose the scent?"

"No," I replied. "It's hard to explain, but, just follow me."

"Why?" Levy asked. "Is something wrong?"

"I think I know where he is," I replied.

"Then let's go!" Levy cheered, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me out of the guild hall. "I know that it isn't easy, but it's now or never, girl! I think you might be surprised at how much Gajeel cares about you."

"W-what do you mean, Levy?" I asked, blushing brighter than Natsu's flames.

"What I mean is that Gajeel cares a lot about you," Levy answered. "Why else would he try to cheer you up, do a duet with you, sing a song for you, or even be nice to you? Gajeel obviously cares about you, n/n. Trust me on this one, okay?"

"O-okay," I replied. "I trust you. Wait. Stop!"

"Huh?" Levy said, stopping in her tracks. "What's wrong?"

"H-he's behind the Sorla tree in South Gate Park," I replied, looking up to find out that Levy dragged me all the way to the park. "I can take it from here. As long as I know that you're right outside the park, I'll be fine. And don't worry. I'll still let you help me get ready for the first date, promise."

"Alright then," Levy said. "Good luck, girl."

As soon as Levy and I were done talking, I took a deep breath and continued to follow the scent behind the tree. Once I made it behind, I found Gajeel propped up against the trunk holding a bouquet of lilacs and lavender flowers.

"H-hey, Gajeel," I stuttered. "C-can I sit with you?"

"Hm?" Gajeel hummed, turning his head to look at me. "Sure."

"T-thanks," I replied, taking a seat next to Gajeel.

"Here," Gajeel said, holding out the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."

"T-thank you," I said. "But how did you know that lilacs and lavenders were my favorites?"

"I sorta talked to Levy," Gajeel replied. "I was wanting to get you something to cheer you up after the whole 'father trying to kill you' thing."

"Thank you," I said, a hint of confidence in my voice. "For everything. I really needed it."

"No problem," Gajeel huffed.

A short, uncomfortable silence followed Gajeel's words. After a while, I decided that it was best to just tell him how I feel and get being rejected over with.

"Gajeel," I whimpered.

"Hm?" Gajeel hummed. "What is it? Something wrong?"

"No," I started, blushing brighter than a ruby. "N-nothing's wrong. I just wanted to tell you something."

"Oh," Gajeel huffed. "Shoot."

"Okay then," I whispered, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves while still blushing brighter than a ruby. "I like you a lot. As more than a friend. I have since the Battle of Fairy Tail, I just never knew how to tell you or if you felt the same way. I-if you don't, then that's fine. I just wanted to tell you how I felt."

"Uh," Gajeel murmured.

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