Sweet forgiveness

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(I advise listening to the song while reading this❤)

I know this message will mostly go unread, trust me, i know people are eager to read.

But for those of you who do listen and look. Thank you.

So let's start with this.

Im so so sorry...i owe you all so so much. I said id be back and make stories, and i disappear for up to a month. Its so unfair to you all to have waited so long. And in the end i have no one to blame but myself for that. And i get that this will just be seen as "oh she's doing it for attention!" But please believe me when i say its not. You all deserve a long and valid explanation as to my absence.

So i guess ill stary with something simple yet complicated.

I have over 7 mental diagnosis.


A pretty big number huh?

For someone so young...

Only 15 haha...

So ill tell you this.

This has been bothering me for some time. And i know i dont really have a right to ve seeking support on this wonderful platform...as this place should be for me to entertain you all and not bore you with my problems...but at this point i really have no one to run to.

My family doesn't support me anymore, i mean hell!

My own fucking MOTHER called the cops on me.

Her own child.

A 15 year old girl. Who is shy. Weak. And WAY to scared to even throw up some hands to land a soft hit.

So a mother. Who is not only bigger then her child. But older and stronger. Felt the need to call the cops on her own kid because she felt that I was going to "harm" her.

Some mom huh...

But thats not all y'see.

And once again. Im sorry for this sickly rant when i know you all are expecting a story from me. And please trust me when i say ill work on one as soon as im done with this pointless ball of built up pain.

But let's go here for a moment.

I am i hopeless romantic. Im love-sick out if my mind, and i tend to be very loyal and VERY clingy.

I have attachment issues and separation anxiety. So i tend to cling onto people out of pure fear ill loose them.

Even though i should be used to that by now...haha..

Im not a person who is liked very much.

Funny and unbelievable right?

Well if you thought so.

Then A  L O T of people would disagree with you.

And whats even funnier is i just got done fighting with someone who i thought was my friend.

He was not only racist by using the "N" word, But also said the "F" word which i take offense to since im lesbian.

And no matter how many times i told him to stop he didn't.

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