Complete all task's. Dont get caught~

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So...your back for more?
I'm surprised anyone even reads this.
Anyways, have and Imposter!George and maybe some other imposters~?. this is DreamNotNap? (I think thats the ship name) anyways its poly Dream Team. Enjoy!💜

Quick warning! This obviously mentions killing and blood!

Dream's POV

Today's just another day of trying not to get killed by the imposters. Its alot harder then it sounds, your constantly running, trying to do your tasks and then Boom! A dead body is reported. Its only a matter of time before we run out of options and the imposter wins. Hell they still dont know who it is!

While I was thinking sapnap had walked up next to me without me even noticing him.

"Hey Dreamy!" His voice was way to energetic for the type of situation we're in.

"Hello sap, please try to be a little less loud?" I didnt want to be rude, after all, I do love him.

"Hehe, sorry Dream, Hey do you know where George is? The last time I saw him he was with Fundy in medbay"

"No I haven't heard from him-" I was cut off by the emergency meeting bell ringing.

"Lets go Dream" Sapnap sighed, his face contorted into one of worry and annoyance.

-At the meeting-

"So who called the body?" Wilbur asked nonchalantly.

"I did" Niki looked horrified "I-It was Techno's Body.."

Technoblade? Who the hell would be strong enough to take him out.?

"Well, the last person I saw with techno was Philza." Eret declared.

"Hey! Don't be so quick to accuse me, I left techno alone because I had a different task then he did." Phil was quick to defend himself.

After he said that everyone started to argue with each other. I was going to speak up until I was pulled away by two hands.


"So? Why did you two drag me away from the meeting?" I knew I was going to look suspicious for randomly being pulled away.

"Well i needed help getting rid of techno's body, he's fucking heavy!" The smaller man spoke. "That's why I came and got sapnap and you"

Just the thought of the small brunette trying to drag away Techno's big body makes me laugh.

"What are you laughing at!?" Sapnap yelled only making me wheeze harder.

"Stop laughing at my unfortunate disability, and help me you oversized grape!" Both of the boys grabbed my arms and dragged me away to go help them with the body.

-when they get to the body at medbay

"Damn! Did you use your toung to kill him!?" Sapnap screeched while giggling.

I understood why the boy asked, the body had a huge hole going right through the mask of the pigmans suit leaving only blood to poor out.

"I think I did a decent job! Plus this asshole fought back, he hit me in my face.." George took of his helmet and showed the black and blue mark kissing his face. And I'm not going to lie to you. It pissed me off.

"Let get rid of this god forsaken body, I need to blow off steam" I mumbled.

Both me and sapnap picked up the body and threw it out the trash shoot watch as the pink man floated out into space.

"Can we have some fun? We haven't done anything like that in a while, the last time we did it we only were able to get Zelk, A6d and spifey!" George giggled.

"Only if we dont get caught" I ruffled his hair and pulled sapnap over to us for a hug. "I love you two so much" I nuzzled my face into the two boys head's sighing in content.

"We love you to Dreamy" both of the boys said in syncrasy giving me soft but mischievious grins.

"You ready?" Sapnap asked excitedly.

Me a George looked at eachother then back to sapnap and gave confident nods.

"Then let's have some fun!"

-With Sapnap-

Hmm, I wonder who i can get. Its going to be hard since mostly everyone is in groups of three or two.

But I guess today's my lucky day. I just so happened to stumble upon George walking with Skeppy and Bad. This should be fun.

"Hey guys!" I cheerily said to the boys.

"Oh, hello sapnap!" Bad gave me a soft smile and so did Skeppy.

"What task do you guys have right now?" George asked.

"Well, we both have tasks in electrical. thats why were travelling together" Skeppy noted.

I looked over to George and tilted my head. As to ask "You ready?" To which he responded with a deadly grin.

We all reached electrical. "Since me and Gogy dont have tasks here we'll keep an eye out" I Promised.

"Ok, thanks you two" Skeppy said flashing another smile then turning around to do wires.

I looked over to George one final time and gave him a nod, I pulled out my gun and George opened his mask showing that horrific mouth of his.

George was the first one to attack and went for bad shooting his sharp needle like toung right at the man's throat piercing it.

Skeppy watched in horror and was about to scream for help, but i pushed him into the floor and simply said "Night Night diamond boy~" and shot him. killing him.

"Lets vent out of here before we get caught" George pulled my hand and jumped through the vent pulling me with him.

-With Dream-

I hope the other two had better luck then me, because at the moment I had chosen Fundy. And trying to kill a fox isn't exactly easy.

"COME HERE FUNDY!" I tried to grab the boys flannel but missed. I needed to kill him before he gets to that button and reports me!

"Leave me alone Dream!" He cried out.

"Maybe i will" I mumbled running of somewhere else.

Fundys POV

What the hell was that!

I couldn't believe that Dream was the imposter. He tried to kill me...

I pushed away those tought quickly as I needed to get to the button so I can report dream and get rid of the last threat on the ship.

-when fundys about to reach the button-


Now all I have to do is-

I couldn't breathe?

Pain shot through my body.

My first instinct was to try and look behind me.

I can't tell you how much I regret doing that now.

"Hello Fundy~" Three people stood behind me.

Three people I knew all to well.

"D-Damn you Dream!" I choked on my own blood. my body is finally giving out, and everything turning black.

DreamNotfound/Skephalo/DreamNotNap Smut And Fluff shots!Where stories live. Discover now