Welcome Home

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Trigger warnings!
Implied su/c/ed
And me writing a story after almost a year of being gone-

Dream sat against the wall and looked down in his now cold and empty hands with a look of sorrow and pain. He screamed out at nothing but the burning feeling in his heart that didn't seem to go away.

After a few moments, which to dream felt like years, he finally stopped screaming as it turned to pained sobs filled with heartache for his now passed on lover.

Just a few hours before he arrived back to his home, he had sat in a cold chair, which was much unforgiving to his body, while he looked on to the open casket at his once fiancees body.

His friends looked over at him with concerned faces for their companion while he could only stare down angrily at not only himself, but the world around him for taking away one of the few last things this man had cared about.

"Dream.? Are you okay.?" Bad had spoke very gently and rested a caring hand on dreams back.

Dream only responded with a choked sob and tears running down his cheeks.

Bad looked over to sapnap with worried eyes as sapnap only shook his head and looked down. Bad just sighed and moved his hand off dreams back and leaned on skeepys shoulder as the boy side hugged his friend.

After the ceremony had ended, dream was the last to leave. It was convenient that the rain had found its way to feed on the sorrow that he had already been filled with.

And now he sits here against his home door, still filled and fueled with pain and anger from the loss of someone who he cared for so dearly.

"Why did you need to leave me..I can't even blame you though..I wouldn't want to live on this shitty earth either.." He spoke in a dead tone that had no emotion behind it.

He finally picked himself up and groaned in pain while spewing out small curses and empty words.

Dream took a few steps forward and sighed before walking over to the bathroom and smiling softly "Never would've taken myself for the kinda guy to give in to something so quickly without a fight.." He chuckled lowly and opened one of cabinets to grab a bottle of pills.

His hand was tight and shaking with fear and confusion. Did he really wanna do this? Did he have the heart to leave all his friends behind and chase after his love?

He opened the bottle of pills and poured out all of it contents and grabbed a glass of water.

"If only things would've been different.." His voice was raspy and broken, overflowing with grief and a pain no other could feel at that very moment.

He smiled and sat down in his bed with his door locked.

His eyes slowly closed with only a hope to see the one he longed for oh so desperately.

Wake up

Dreams eyes shot open as he looked around In panic only to be met with a field of blue flowers and a crisp honey smell that could only remind him of one person.

"George..?" He looked around slowly before his legs stood up and his eyes looked over the open field.

No one answered to the name called as dream sighed and started walking through the flowers till he was met with a stone path.

"What the hell?" He tilted his head in confusion and just shrugged in his mind as he followed the path through what seemed like a endless field of blue.

The color blue made his head hurt, filling it with memories he almost whished would go away. But alas memories are something to never leave and stay till time itself has given out.

Dream chuckled to himself. This flower field and path reminded him of sweeter times when he and a few others were making another manhunt video, chasing around dream for what felt like hours as he maneuvered around almost flawlessly through caves and mountains.

Sooner or later dream stopped to find a small cottage in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere.

He looked around and once again called for George's name.

"George? Are you here?" And this time, unlike the last, someone DID respond to the name called with a few simple words.

"Welcome home."   


Been more then awhile huh? Sorry if my writing skills are.. questionable to say the least. I haven't touched a book in awhile.

Maybe I'll continue to write, or maybe I'll leave this platform for good and move on to something else.

I hate to sit here and wonder how you all are doing and whether or not you still bother to read this stupid book anymore.

Believe me, no need to tell me its bad, I know, I have no idea what 14 or 15 year old me was thinking. But that's not to worry now.

I've missed you all, so so much, and knowing how wattpad is, I doubt much of you will sit and bother to read this, but if you do, thank you <3

And..I have a few things to talk to you all about. For one, my name is no longer kitty or going by she/her pronouns, after lots of thoughts, I've decided to start making my transition into being a male, I've been this way for almost a year now and ive never felt happier with myself. My body now feels like it belongs to me and I don't have standers I need to uphold on. My name is now Zander.

Another thing to say, thank you all so so much, for saying all these comforting things when I decided to reach out to strangers for help when I had no one else to reach for..I know its weird and very cringy to write to people about your problems, but you all still stayed by my side and took care of me as if you've known me your whole life. Those words you all gave me, gave me the power to keep going and keep fighting for what I wanted and needed. NOT what others wanted.

And now, thanks to you all, I have a loving boyfriend who takes such amazing care of me, the first..the first ever healthy relationship I've been in! Whoooo! Hehehe

Anyways..I won't keep you here much longer, but it would be nice to hear how you all are doing, feel free to contact me with anything, I'll do my best to reach out and talk to you all when and while I can.

I love you friends, never forget it.

And to give you some nostalgia~

Much love <3 

DreamNotfound/Skephalo/DreamNotNap Smut And Fluff shots!Where stories live. Discover now