Chapter Eighteen

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The song of the birds outside flowed into the cafe as you chuckle and pick up your coffee cup filled with hot chocolate, "I missed this."

"Me too... And our friday nights. And our four in the afternoon 'til four in the mornin' Skype calls on school nights... Ugh, I just missed you!" The pink haired female you know as Kiyemi chuckles and hugs you.

Laughing, you hug her back, "Me too."

"I'm still so, so sorry about-"

"Like I said: you explained it in the end, and for that and the endless friendship hand in hand with sisterhood you've given me these past few years... The least I could do is forgive you."

"The least I coulda done was tell you-"

"Kiy-chan... What's done is done, alright?"

"Thank you, [Y/N]-chan..."

There was a buzz, before a voice spoke up, "[Y/N], can you still hear me?"

You gave a slight nod as you giggled with the pinkette.

"Alright, Watari, it seems we're back online," L's voice sighs down the earpiece you were wearing. "Cameras?"

"Some are up, others are proving difficult," The elderly male's voice replies.

"Hm... Do we have a visual?"

"Yes, but far distanced and easily blocked."

"This isn't the best situation... [Y/N], are you able to continue?"

Kiyemi gasps, "He's leaving to America?! Ohh, Kiba-kun, I'll miss him... Say, what do you say we go visit him when he's moved in?!"

You grin and nod, "Yeah, yeah! But will we be able to afford to?" A small sigh falls from your lips.

"Ohh... Good point," The pinkette sighs.

There was a chuckle from down the mic, "Don't worry, I'll have it sorted for you, beautiful... Watari, prepare this for them later, will you?"

"As you wish, L."

"And don't protest, [Y/N]... I have a lot of money, and we're engaged. It will be yours too, soon enough, to do as you like," Lawliet states proudly. "Tell her you have contacts, or I shall personally call her parents. Consider it more undercover work."

'Is he for real? Gosh darn it, Lawliet...'

"Well, I have contacts that might be able to get us there," Giggling, you suggest and sip some of your warm drink.

Kiyemi stares at you, before squealing, "Oh my gosh, yes!" She hugs you tightly and grins, "We can't tell him! We have to surprise him!"

"Of course... It's something Kiba-kun would do himself."

"Oh my gosh, when do we go?!"

"He leaves the day after we get our results, and his parents are leaving before him... So, a week after the results so he can settle in first?"


The door dings, signalling someone just walked in. It was full, and very busy. Just the line itself raps around the cafe, and then all of the booths were full. Why it was so busy, you didn't know. Quite honestly, it was usually empty around this time... Mind you, it might be something to do with the concert that was going to happen around the corner in a few hours. It's the same cafe that you went with Lawliet to once around midnight.

"So, how's it going with Ryuzaki-kun, 'ey?" Kiyemi giggles.

You blush all shades of red under the sun... Were you seriously going to have to do this with him listening?!

"Yes, [Y/N]. How is it going?" Lawliet's amused voice coos down the mic.

"U-uh... Great," Nervously, you mumble.

"Spill the details!"

"Yes, [Y/N]. Spill the details."

'...I swear, I'm going to slap this boy.'

"Like what?" You smile and tilt your head.

She giggles, "How good of a kisser is he?"

"Yes, how good is he?"

After sipping your drink to not laugh, you reply, "Ohh, well he's a great kisser... And it always tastes like sweets, which is a bonus."

"AWWWWE! What about compared to, y'know, 'him'?"

"Tch, a thousand times better."

"That so, [Y/N]?" He chuckles huskily. "Good to know..."

A small blush dusts your cheeks as Kiyemi asks, "So, have you... Y'know?"

"W-well... Not yet, but-"

"What have you done?" She playfully winks.

Lawliet was now silent, and still making no comments... Just from the silence you knew he was blushing too.

"Nosey," Is all you reply.

"Has he touched you?"

"Uhh... W-well, the upper half..."

"Have you...?"

"No lower parts touched... Officially."



"He's been around there, though? Like kissy-kissy, bootyful," Playfully, she wiggles her eyebrows and squeals.


"Ohhhhhh, I'm right, 'ey?" The pink giggles.

"What about you? Got a boyfriend?" You change the subject.

Her eyes widened slightly as she blushes, "M-maybe..."

A smirk grows on your lips, "What's his name?"


"Ohh, hello, ladies," A familiar voice says.

'No way...'

"Jasper? What're you doing here?!" Kiyemi jumped up and hugs the guy.

'...Jake. She's going out with Jake. Well, this will be fun.'

Note the sarcasm.

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