Chapter Six.

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Light awkwardly walks over, his hands buried in his pockets. His hazel-brown eyes cast upon you as his face turns into a hopeful smile.

Lawliet grumbles something to himself and pokes you, "Wanna leave?"

"Uhh... I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, Ryu." You give him a small smile.

He nods and grabs your hand, "Anything for a friend." (SNEAKEH MOVE ON HIS PART, EH?)

Giving him a big smile, you look back to the group of boys. Kiba was obviously enjoying talking to them for a change, since he's always with your little group. He was laughing with the guys, having fun. It was nice to see him with his other friends.

"Hey..." A voice says from beside you. Looking in that direction your eyes meet a pair of slender legs and as your eyes gaze up, your [E/C] pools meet those brown hues... Light, of course.

"Hi." Is all you reply.

"Can I... Sit?" He asks, pointing to the floor where he stands.

Shrugging, you reply, "Knock yourself out." (IT'S A PHRASE, SHE DOESN'T MEAN LITERALLY.)

Light sits down along with his other friends, everyone else laughing and joking. All but you, Lawliet and Light.


Lawliet nudges you, "So, we still revising the case tonight?"

"Of course." You roll your eyes, chuckling, "Are we bringing the whole team this time? We haven't had them join us in a while... I miss Matsuda-san's humour!"

"Fine, fine... What, is my humour not enough?" He laughs, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." You smirk.

"Is that so?"

"T'is indeed."

"We'll see about that."

"Whatever you say, Ryuzaki-kun."

"So, uh, do I have to come then?" Light asks, cutting in.

Lawliet nods, "Of course."

The brunette smiles and nods, "Alright. Uhh, I don't suppose I can talk to you can I, [Y/N]-chan?"

"What is it, Light-kun?"

"Um... In private?" Light's eyes gaze to Lawliet and his friends.

A small sigh escapes your lips as you stand, only to have Lawliet tug your hand, "You don't owe him anything, you know?"

"I know. Thanks, Ryuzaki-kun, I'll be fine. It'll only take a minute," Flashing him a quick smile, you walk off with Light. Once a fair distance away, you ask, "What is it, Light-kun?"

"I... Just wanted to say I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen and I certainly didn't want to hurt you... It just happened. I love you, [Y/N]-chan." Light explains.

[E/C] orbs locked to the floor, you mumble, "How... Long?"

"Kiba-kun's party..."

"Ohh my god..." Tears prick your eyes as you clasp your mouth, "Three... Months..."

Light gives you a sorrow-filled look as he tries to take your hands, "It meant nothing to me, I love YOU."

Sniffing, you pry your hands from his and shake your head, "If you loved me... You'd only want me, not my best friend."

"[Y/N]-chan... Please, don't do this..."

Your hands wander to your neck and take off the necklace you have on. It's made of gold, in the shape of a heart... Light had given you it for your one year anniversery. Gently taking his hand, you place it in his palm before closing it around it, "It's over, Light-kun... It's time we move on." His brown pools begin to fill, threatening to overflow. You lean in closer to him and press your lips to his forehead gently as he wraps his arms around your waist.

As you pull away, you give him a small smile and take his arms from your waist, "We can still be friends... This has to be done, Light-kun."

He sniffs and nods, "Alright... Friend."

'No... She's not going this easily. She will be mine.' Light thinks. (DAS RIGHT, LIGHT IS NOW SORTA YANDERE.)

"Okay, good. Now, c'mon, let's get back to the others." As you walk off, Light follows you to the others.

Everyone was laughing and talking atill, except for L, who looks at you in worry, "Everything alright?"

"Like I said, nothing I couldn't handle." You smile at him.

"Good." He nods, grinning.

In silence, you look at Light before looking at the sky.

'Well... It's time everything changes.'

The sound of the bell flows throughout the field, drawing your attention. Once stood, you walk along side Lawliet so he asks, "So, what happened?"

"It's officially over. I ended it." You reply, gaze locked ahead.

Lawliet nods slowly, "I see. Well, times are achanging I suppose."

"They are indeed, Ryuzaki-kun... They are indeed."

(A/N- I know this was short but... This is how I'm going to write from now on. It's so much easier to write short passages on one thing than having to write over 2,000 words which feel like a chore. So, yeah, they're gunna be shorter but more regular.)

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