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I hated mornings, they were always lonely. When I was working for Hydra I was either away on a mission or laying in my room staring at the ceiling as I relived all the terrible crimes they forced me to commit, until I was needed again.

This morning was different, I wasn't alone. I felt the warm sun against my face as the sun rose. I could tell by his breathing that Bucky was already awake. I smiled softly speaking before opening my eyes, "are you watching me sleep?"

I heard a laugh escape Bucky's lips, "you caught me."

I opened my eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light in the room. "You know, some would say staring is rude." I smirked rolling over onto my back.

"I can't help it, you're just too beautiful." Bucky was laying on his side, his metal arm propping his head up as he watched me intently.

I groaned covering my face with my arms, "liar, I know for a fact I have bed head." I felt his hand softly move my hands away from my face and gently brush my hair away from my face with his thumb.

He chuckled. "Yes, that is true... but you're beautiful nonetheless." He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly. "And I would give anything to wake up like this every day."

I looked up at Bucky, the sun making his eyes look lighter than usual. I grinned and stood up, the T-shirt I had borrowed from Bucky last night rode up as I stretched. I pretended not to notice buckys eyes scanning my figure as I stretched. "Well, If we're going to keep talking I'm going to brush my teeth." I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the extra toothbrush Bucky had gotten me and brushed my teeth.

A few moments later Bucky walked in behind me grabbing his toothbrush and winking at me as he did the same.

While Bucky got dressed I went to the guest room to grab some clothes Tony had ordered for me. I looked through the outfits and decided on a simple top and a pair of black jeans. I took a quick shower and changed. I told Bucky I would meet him down in the garage after I was finished getting ready. Finally, I pulled my shoes on and made my way down to meet Bucky.

On my way down I ran into Peter. "Hey, kid." I smiled. "How's that heart of yours doing?"

He smiled softly. "Hey Mystery Lady, it's doing alright... I uh realized there was somebody else for me."

I smiled. "I hope it works out for you this time."

He smiled. "I hope things go well with Mr. Bucky too."

I chuckled. "Thank you, me too." I motioned to the door. "I'm heading out to meet him. I'll see you around?" He nods and we say goodbye as we walk our separate ways.

I walk out to the garage and see Bucky sitting on his motorcycle. I whistle when I see it. "Wow, I thought the one hydra had given me was nice but, this is a beauty."

He chuckled. "Ah yes, we have your bike around here somewhere. I'll ask Tony and see if he's willing to give it back. Hop on." He patted the seat behind him. "We're heading to Brooklyn."

I climb on behind Bucky, I could feel his muscles through his black shirt as I slipped my arms around him. I had to keep my hands from lingering too long.

Bucky turns back to look at me a small smirk on his face. "Hold on tight." He instructs as he revs the engine.

I quickly comply and tighten my grip on him as he speeds off towards Brooklyn.

Once we arrive, Bucky parks his bike on the street and leads me into an apartment building. I look around and notice how much things have changed in the last few decades. Bucky gives me a moment to look around before leading me up a flight of stairs. "It's this one right ... here." He grabs his keys from his pocket and opens the apartment door. "It's not much but it's home."

He walks in and moves aside so I can walk in.

As I walk in I notice he doesn't have that much furniture. He has a tv on the wall and a small couch along with a blanket and pillow in the living room.

"It's not much." He says softly rubbing the back of his neck.

I motion to the blanket. "Do you sleep out here?" I ask curiously.

He nods, "I have a bed in my room, it's just sometimes it's too soft and the floor helps me sleep." He nods back towards the room and I follow him down a small hallway into his room.

In his bedroom, there's a perfectly made bed with white sheets. Probably a habit he picked up from being in the military. There are also two small nightstands on either side of the bed, a wardrobe, and a large window with a fire escape. Although it was empty it still felt a little homier than the avengers' tower.

I turned back to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you for showing me your home."

He smiled bringing his hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear as the other wrapped around my waist. "I want this to be our home."

I couldn't help the grin that took over my face. "Really? you want me to live here?"

He grinned, "Of course I do. I never want to be away from you again."

I laughed "Never?"

"Never." He leaned down hovering his lips above mine. "Can i-"

"Oh just kiss me already." I laughed.

"Yes ma'am." He grinned. When his lips met mine I felt myself relax our bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together.

What started as a sweet kiss deepened into more. My hands moved up his chest and around his neck finding themselves in his soft hair. Bucky's hands moved down from my waist lower until I felt him lift me and press me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep myself from slipping. His lips trailed down my cheek to my jaw and my neck leaving a trail of kisses.

"Bucky." I breathed his name out softly.

He paused pulling back searching my eyes. "Is this okay?"

I grinned pressing my lips against his Jaw. "More than okay.."
A/N: heyyyyyyy I forgot to update earlier sorry guys! Thanks for reading and sorry if this is a crappy chapter I totally wrote this at like 2 am

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