Coney island

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Over the past week Bucky and I had made it our tradition to talk on the phone every night until one of us fell asleep. During those phone calls I felt like I knew Bucky better than anyone else and it scared me, how fast I was falling for him.

When we got to Coney Island Bucky quickly dragged me to get our picture taken. "I wanna remember today doll." He smiled.

"It'll already be memorable Buck." I smiled kissing his cheek.

He grinned, "Of course it will be, so what do ya wanna ride first?" He asked.

"Hm..." I thought about it, "oh! How about the Cyclone?" I grin.

He laughed, "the last time I rode that Steve threw up on me."

I giggled, "well I promise I won't, come on." I took his hand and rushed over to the Cyclone. 

He laughed and followed me.

"Have you ever been on the Cyclone before?" He asked.

"Well, no not necessarily. I've heard great things though!" I grinned. "I'm sure I'll love it."

Bucky just chuckled, "I hope so." He leaned forward and kissed my head softly and held me close as we stood in line.

I quickly ran off the ride and made my way towards the nearest bathroom to empty my stomach into the trashcan. Bucky ran after me and went into the bathroom holding my hair up, "Im sorry Buck.." I mumbled as I heaved.

He rubbed my back comfortingly."hey don't worry about it." He smiled softly.

"wait Buck this is the ladies room, you can't be in here." I frowned. "you'll get in trouble."

He shook his head, "I don't care, I need to be here for my girl."

I smiled but before I could reply I was leaning over the trash can again. "I ruined our date."

"Nonsense love, you could never."

I sighed and stood back up once I felt confident enough that I'd be okay. I went over to the sink and cleaned up.

"We should probably get you home." Bucky smiled softly.

"Please no! I want to stay longer." I begged. "if that's okay?"

He grinned, "perfectly fine with me."

I nodded, "okay then." I took his hand and snuck him out. "we should stick to the games for now." I chuckled.

He nods, "agreed."

As we walked, a teddy bear that was hanging on one of the game stands caught my eye.

"Do you want that bear?" He asked.

"What?" I looked over at him, "oh no it's okay, those games are set up to make you lose." I shrugged.

"So what? I'm goin to win it for my girl anyways." He grinned.

"Buck save your money, it's not worth it." I shook my head.

"Maybe not, but you are." He grinned and walked up to the booth and tried to knock down the pins. He failed the two out of three but on the third one he knocked them all down.

"Oh my!" I grinned.

"Woohoo!" Bucky laughed.

"You did it!" I giggled and hugged him.

"Pick your prize." The worker smiled.

"The teddy please." Bucky pointed.

"Coming up." He handed Bucky the bear.

"you're the best have I told you this?" I grinned.

"Maybe once or twice." He grinned handing me the bear.

I giggled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you doll."

After a long day at Coney, Bucky and I made our way to the car. "Today was amazing Bucky." I kissed his cheek.

He grinned, "it was wasnt it?"

I nodded, "I had so much fun tonight."

"Hey, it's not over yet, we still have dinner remember?" He asked.

My stomach grumbled, "how could I forget?" I giggled.

When Bucky shut the car off I looked out the window and noticed an extremely expensive restaurant, this can't be where we're dining. I looked over at him , "hey Buck, are we walking to dinner?"

He chuckled, "well yeah, unless you prefer I carry you inside." He got out and walked to my side and opened the door for me.

I took his hand an got out, "Its not that I just mean, it seems really expensive." I said.

He shook his head taking my hand in his, "look dont worry about the price, just enjoy yourself okay?" He grinned.

I nodded and followed him inside. "Table for two."

"Ah yes, Mr and Mrs Barnes, this way please." She grabbed the menus and walked us to a table.

Bucky and I giggled but didn't correct her mistake.

"A waiter will be over shortly." She smiled and walked off. Bucky pushed in my chair and sat opposite of me. I looked at him with a grin, "You really surprise me sometimes." I chuckle.

"Good or bad?" He raised a brow teasingly.

"Definitely good." I grinned. "Tonight has been the best day ever, I don't think anything could ruin it."

Bucky's smile faltered for a second but he shook it off and nodded, "exactly. "

I tilted my head, "you okay?"

He grinned, "fine, just lost my train of thought." He smiled. "oh I got you something." He grinned going into his jacket pocket and pulling out a box.

I frowned, "I didn't know we were getting each other anything, I would have brought you something."

He chuckled, "Its okay, I just wanted to give you this, so that you would think of me whenever you wore it."

I opened the box slowly and gasped, it was a small diamond necklace that probably cost more than everything I owned.

"Bucky, this is-"

"For you." He smiled, "don't worry about it alright? I just wanna treat you right." He smiled and walked over to place it around my neck.

"Hey Buck?" I smiled up at him.

"Yeah?" He stood to my side once he finished with the necklace.

I stood up and cupped his beautifully sculpted cheeks and pressed my lips to his slightly chapped ones. He didn't take too long to take hold of my waist and kiss me back. I giggled and pulled away after a short second, "I'd still think of you anyway but thank you."

He blushed, "y-yeah of course." He walked over to his chair almost knocking down his water by how flustered he was.

God he was perfect.

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