1. Jonathan Joestar Boyfriend Headcanons

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What are his nicknames for you?

Jonathan likes nicknames, though he'll go easier on them if you're in public together or around other people. He tends to lean towards calling you by traditional and sweet nicknames like "Darling" and "Love". He LOVES it when you call him by a nickname. He feels so honored if you give him a sweet name like the ones he gives you! He likes it when you call him "Dear" but he also likes "Darling" because he likes the idea of having matching nicknames with you. If you call him by a nickname in public, he'll get a little shy but he'll wear the name like a badge of honor.

What type of kisses does he give?

Good god, he was SO nervous to kiss you the first time. Even when you've been dating for a while, he gets nervous about kissing you because he thinks he'll break you. He's a gentle giant, but he can't help but worry about accidentally hurting you somehow. He's a tall guy who's all muscle and could crush you like a bug with ease so he's gotta be really mindful of you. He likes to kiss your forehead, but he also likes to kiss the back of your hand because he's a full-blood gentleman. He likes it when you kiss his cheek.

What's his ideal date?

Jonathan puts a LOT of preparation into his dates with you, he's a total romantic! Dates with him last a full day, and he plans the day out from morning to night. He'll make time to do anything you want, but he always tries to take some time in the day (preferably during the evening) to picnic with you. He'll take you out to a secluded area in a flower field to spend some time alone with you. He tries his best to impress you, so the scenery is always breathtaking and looks like something out of an impressionist painting.

Is he physically affectionate?

Jonathan is affectionate within reason. He prefers to be affectionate in private and isn't super big on PDA. Behind closed doors, however, is a different story. He won't bombard you with hugs and kisses, but he does adore them. He likes to cherish and savor his time with you, so he likes the affection between the both of you to be meaningful. He isn't a fan of stealing kisses or rushed affection. His favorite form of physical affection is long-lasting hugs where he can take a moment to appreciate his time with you. He often zones out, lost in thought about how much he loves you.

How does he show you he loves you?

Jonathan is vocal about his love for you. You know he loves you because he tells you he loves you. Whenever you have to part with him, he'll give you a 'goodbye kiss' to your forehead and whisper "I love you" into your ear. He also shows you he loves you by doing things for you without you needing to ask him for help. If you're overwhelmed by your workload, he'll see what needs to be done and take care of it for you. He doesn't want to see you so stressed, so he'll do what he can to make things easier for you.

Does he get jealous?

Jonathan does get jealous at times, but he does a very good job of dealing with any feelings of jealousy. If someone is flirting with you or making him jealous, he'll let you handle it unless you ask him for help dealing with this other person. The only time he'll step in without your permission is if you're being harassed by someone who can't seem to take a hint. Jonathan is a very peaceful person, and even if they've annoyed him, he really doesn't want to cause any harm to them. Thankfully, he doesn't need to hurt them in any way, they're already intimidated just by his size.

How does he recover from arguments?

Arguments with Jonathan are few and far between. Jonathan would never do anything to purposefully upset or hurt you, so if he somehow is the catalyst for an argument it's because of an accident on his part. If Jonathan does manage to upset you he'll feel absolutely horrible. Guilt eats at him until he finally gets the chance to apologize to you, and when he does he'll gift you a bouquet and a long, heartfelt apology. He wants you to know how sorry he is, and he does his best to avoid making the same mistake again in the future.

What's it like to wake up with him?

Waking up next to Jonathan is the softest experience you could ever have. He stirs from sleep and looks at you with a drowsy pair of puppy dog eyes and your heart melts. He'll shuffle closer to you and wrap his arms around you, pressing a small kiss to your cheek and settling his head into your hair, mumbling a quiet "Good morning, darling..." as he tries to shake off his grogginess. He likes to get his day started alongside you, and he tries to enjoy your time together before he goes off to take care of his business for the day.

What's it like to go to bed with him?

Jonathan is an early bird, so he doesn't stay up too late if he can help it. He doesn't expect you to commit to his schedule if you've got important things to do, but he'd be happy if you tried to go to bed at the same time as him. If you allow him to, he'll pull you close to his chest as he falls asleep. Having you near him is very soothing, and he falls asleep faster when he's next to you than if he were to go to sleep alone. If he falls asleep while holding you, you're pretty much stuck there for the rest of the night.

How much does he remember about you?

Honestly, Jonathan does his best to remember the things you tell him, but some things tend to slip his mind every now and then. He never forgets any of the important details like your birthday or an anniversary of yours (he'd never forgive himself if he did) but he does tend to forget little things if he doesn't write them down. If you ask him to do something for you when he has the time, he'll likely forget about it by the time he's finished doing what he was preoccupied with. He gets really embarrassed when he realizes he's forgotten something.

How open is he with you?

Jonathan is always honest with you, but he does keep some things a little closed off at the start of your relationship with him. He's been through a lot and he isn't exactly ready to share it when you first meet him or start dating. After you've been together for some time, he'll open up and tell you more about his past and struggles. He doesn't like to keep secrets from you and feels better when he's open with you. He'd like you to be open with him as well, but he won't force you to tell him anything you're not comfortable with.

How patient is he with you?

Jonathan has got to be one of the most patient people you've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and his patience absolutely extends to you. He never gets mad or frustrated with you about any mishaps or accidents, and any mistakes you do make are quickly forgiven by him. As long as you don't do anything illegal or do something to harm someone else, he'll be more concerned about you hurting yourself while making a mistake rather than actually making a mistake. Hell, he would probably forgive you if you did something illegal. He's a bit too nice at times.

What's his favorite thing about you?

Jonathan has trouble pinning down his favorite thing about you just because he loves you so much, it's hard to pick! Everything about you makes him happy, but if he had to pick one thing about you to call his favorite, it would be how understanding you are. While he was brought up in comfortable circumstances, Jonathan's life hasn't been the easiest. The death of his mother and his relationship with Dio made it hard to live the normal life that many children do, but you fill that empty space in his life that he's been missing. He's found a place to call home by your side, and he's eternally grateful to have found you.

How quick is he to say "I love you"?

Jonathan is in tune with his feelings, and it doesn't take him long to realize that he's in love when feelings for you start to sprout. It takes him a while to say he loves you, just because he doesn't want to rush into anything or scare you off. Before he tells you he loves you for the first time, he shows you he cares about you in other, nonverbal ways. He knows when the right time to say it is, but until then, he'll enjoy the time he spends with you and take your relationship one step at a time.

Up next: Joseph Joestar Boyfriend Headcanons

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