2. Joseph Joestar Boyfriend Headcanons

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A/n: I wrote these with part 2 Joesph in mind, if you would like me to write this for part 3 Joseph, please let me know!

What are his nicknames for you?

When your relationship with Joseph first started, he sort of rushed into things and started dating you before he got the chance to properly know you. He forgot your name multiple times and kept referring to you by a nickname since he knew asking you for your name again would definitely piss you off. Someone help this man, he's a wreck. As your relationship continued (and he was able to actually remember your name) his nickname habit stayed. He mainly calls you "babe" or "gorgeous" but he'll occasionally get more creative with his nicknames for you (he refuses to be boring in your relationship). He likes it when you call him "handsome".

What type of kisses does he give?

Joseph loves kisses, but he won't lose his head over them. He isn't the type to demand them 24/7, but he'll never complain about a kiss. Joseph likes long, passionate kisses where he can tease you. Even the smallest kisses get pretty heated with him. He likes to steal kisses for the sake of messing with you, but he gets all competitive when you do it to him. If you do try to steal a kiss from him, you'd better peck him and run because he will chase you down to smother you with kisses, and he's a fast runner (as we all know from the secret Joestar technique.)

What's his ideal date?

Joseph thinks he's the suavest person alive (to be fair, he is pretty charming, but he's also a major dork.) and he usually doesn't plan too deeply into dates since he's so certain that he'll be able to carry the date. He's the type to take you out for dinner, but he'll run out of things to do pretty quickly. He'll look for other things to do to keep you entertained and likely find a way to get the both of you into trouble. Thankfully, he always manages to get you out of it because of his dumb luck. One thing is for sure, a date with Joseph is always eventful.

Is he physically affectionate?

Joseph. Is. So. Touchy. He's always got at least a finger on you. Most of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it. He'll be lost in thought or talking to someone else and his hand just subconsciously finds its way to one of your hands or around your shoulder. He likes to cuddle but it makes him drowsy and he often falls asleep. He can't help it! He just finds it so soothing when you're laying on top of him! You're so warm and soft and the sound of your breathing is so relaxing and- oh, he fell asleep...

How does he show you he loves you?

Joseph is pretty vocal about how much he cares for you since he's always telling you he loves you or teasing and flirting with you in some way. When he's not verbal, he's making it blatantly obvious that he loves you with physical displays of affection like hugs, kisses, or cuddles. If you don't know he loves you, a thousand kisses will definitely get the message across. I swear, he doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself, he's always touching you in some way. Honestly, it's kind of hard to question his love since he never hides his feelings for you.

Does he get jealous?

Joseph gets jealous pretty easily. It isn't hard for someone to aggravate him in general, but he has little patience for anyone who flirts with you, especially if they know that you're dating Joseph. He's so immature with his jealousy too. The idea of 'talking it out' goes right out the window and he's more than ready to get into a fight just because someone was making eyes at you and he wasn't having it. If you scold him for being so quick to do something stupid because of his jealousy he'll give you guilty puppy eyes. He's a big baby.

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