5. Giorno Giovanna Boyfriend Headcanons

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A/n: Sorry it's taken me so long to update! I started playing Persona 5 a while back and now that's all I do. God, that game is so fun! Also: I wrote these with the idea of the reader being a member of Passione and Bruno's team.

Warning: Spoilers about the ending of part 5.

What are his nicknames for you?

Giorno doesn't use nicknames all too frequently, especially when in the presence of someone else. He believes that your relationship should only concern both of you and prefers it when his time with you is hidden from the eyes of other people or the members of Bruno's gang as Mista and Narancia just love to tease him about you. The only one who really lets him off easy about his relationship with you is Bruno, as he's quite happy that Giorno has found someone to love. His most common nicknames for you are 'Darling' and 'Dear", though he does frequently substitute them for their Italian translations; 'Tesoro' and 'Cara'.

What type of kisses does he give?

While it's not obvious at first glance, Giorno is a romantic deep down. There's something about his kisses that seem so deep and loving. Maybe it's how passionate he is, savoring this precious moment with you, or perhaps it's how gentle he is, treating you as if you were made of glass. Similar to how he is with nicknames, Giorno is not a fan of public kisses. If you want to kiss him, you're going to have to wait until you're alone together. His favorite kinds of kisses are lip kisses, though he also likes it when you kiss his cheek, especially after a stressful mission. It helps calm him down.

What's his ideal date?

If you're a member of Bucciarati's team alongside Giorno, there aren't very many opportunities for dates. The mission comes first and you both need to follow the orders of your capo. Even when it seems you've got some time on your hands, you still need the permission of Bruno to go out, as an enemy attack could happen at any time and he needs you both there in case things go awry. These limited opportunities may seem like an annoyance, but it makes your dates all the more meaningful. Giorno isn't picky about where you go as his only criteria for a good date are making you happy, but he likes it when you go to secluded areas. It doesn't matter if it's an empty park or beach, as long as he can focus on you and only you.

Is he physically affectionate?

Giorno is not very physically affectionate. He really can't dote on you very often in the line of work he's chosen. As mentioned in nicknames and kisses, he's a very private person, and part of the reason for that is because it would wreck him if someone hurt you in an attempt to threaten him. Any soft, intimate moments with you need to be when you're alone together. Even still, he's not a super touchy person, but he likes to hold you close when you have a moment to spare. It lets him appreciate you and remember how precious you are to him.

How does he show you he loves you?

As I've stated many times, he feels as though making a show of how much he loves you could be dangerous for both you and him, so he has to get creative and find roundabout ways to show you he loves you. It's rare for him to tell you he loves you or kiss you very often, but he still makes sure to get the point across. If you ever have to part from him while on a mission, he'll turn one of his brooches into an actual ladybug and gently place it on you without you noticing. He partly does it to be alerted immediately if something happens and keep you safe, but he also places it for you to find it and know that he's thinking of you.

Does he get jealous?

Giorno isn't really the type to get jealous. He simply doesn't have time to be jealous when there is so much going on with Passione. In the event that someone else is trying to hit on you while you're together, he lets you take care of it. You're a member of the god damn mafia, you're definitely capable of handling yourself. The only time he steps in is if you ask him to. However, once he becomes a Don, he's more active in retaliating against people who hit on you. He still doesn't get jealous, but he does it to flex his authority. He needs to remind others that he's the one in charge, and angering him is like playing with fire.

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