4. Josuke Higashikata Boyfriend Headcanons

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A/n: Thank you for 100 reads! I hope you're enjoying this book! Unfortunately, Josuke is slightly out of character since I struggle to write him, but I'm hoping that I'll get better with practice! At the second I'm writing this sentence I've almost finished this chapter and an earthquake just happened, it spooked me a little lol! Thankfully it was a small one, I should get back to writing.

Warning: Very small spoiler (I don't even know if you could call it a spoiler lol), a small amount of swearing

What are his nicknames for you?

While he doesn't go crazy for them, Josuke likes nicknames! He'll typically call you by 'babe' or 'baby', but he also comes up with cute nicknames that he knows will get a reaction out of you like 'sweetheart' or 'bunny'. He also LOVES to tease you with nicknames, so he'll likely poke fun at you through nicknames. For example, if you're shorter than him, he'll call you something like 'short stuff'. (This is all assuming you aren't sensitive when it comes to what he's teasing you with, he knows how frustrating it can be when someone targets something that strikes a nerve with you since he hates it when people disrespect his hair.)

What type of kisses does he give?

Despite his eagerness to tease you with a cute nickname, kisses tend to fluster him. He'll confidently try to make you blush with an onslaught of honeyed nicknames, and all his confidence just vanishes, almost magically, when you pull him down and peck his lips. It's such an easy way to leave him a red, muttering mess. He likes it when you kiss his cheek, he can't quite explain why, but something about cheek kisses from you leaves him feeling warm and fuzzy. When he kisses you, he tilts your chin up lightly with one of his fingers and lightly kisses your lips.

What's his ideal date?

Josuke knew he wanted to take you somewhere nice on your first date, but he was struggling to decide where to go. He thought about taking you to Tonio's but he remembered how startled he initially was when he first went there with Okuyasu. He really doesn't want to spook you on a date. Thankfully, there are countless other options as there is always something to do in Morioh. He tends to frequent a cafe with Koichi and Okuyasu and he likes it when you join him. If you guys don't really have any other plans, that'll be his go-to choice when it comes to taking you out somewhere.

Is he physically affectionate?

Josuke definitely appreciates physical affection, but as previously mentioned, you really fluster him every time you do something cute! He isn't the biggest when it comes to PDA unless he's trying to show you off to his friends. He also flexes the fact that he's dating you in front of Rohan to brag about how happy you make him whenever Rohan gives Josuke shit about anything. He typically holds your hand in public, and he loves it when you wrap your arms around one of his as you walk together around Morioh. Something about it makes him feel so protective of you like you see him as some sort of safety. He likes to cuddle you to sleep and loves it when you wrap one of your legs around his waist as he rests his head against your chest.

How does he show you he loves you?

I think the better question is 'what does he do that doesn't show how much he loves you?' He's always complimenting and teasing you for the sake of trying to embarrass you. While it makes him freeze up, he loves to hold you or press kisses to your cheeks. Every now and then he'll surprise you with a small gift like a cute plush that reminded him of you or something sweet like a pastry. He thinks of you often and these thoughts manifest themselves when he does these nice things for you. His favorite thing to do is make you smile :)

Does he get jealous?

Josuke does get jealous, but he tries his best not to let it bother him too much. If someone is making him jealous he'll get quiet and pouty as Koichi and Okuyasu snicker about the boisterous Josuke suddenly turning uncharacteristically docile. Despite these feelings, he won't act on his jealousy... until someone tries to put their hands on you when you clearly don't want them to. Josuke pumps himself back up and comes marching towards them with the same rage that he gets when someone insults his pompadour. He's so down to beat the shit out of someone for you, all you have to do is say the word and he'll do it.

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