3. Jotaro Kujo Boyfriend Headcanons

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A/n: Jotaro is my favorite JoJo :) I wrote these with Part 3 Jotaro in mind, but please let me know if you would like me to write these with Part 4 Jotaro! Happy reading!

What are his nicknames for you?

Jotaro isn't big on nicknames. He's not used to expressing his emotions so openly, especially the sweeter ones. He mostly calls you by a nickname behind closed doors when he's in a really good mood, or if it's become a habit, he might accidentally let a nickname slip in front of others (if Polnareff hears him, he never lets Jotaro live it down.) His main nickname for you is 'babe', but on special occasions he'll call you something softer like 'sweetheart' or 'hon' (though said occasions are few and far between). Otherwise, he sticks to calling you by your name.

What type of kisses does he give?

Kisses from Jotaro are rare. As mentioned above, he's not used to portraying his feelings, and this extends to romantic ones. He's not a fan of PDA, so if he does kiss you, it'll be when you're both alone together, but even still he's got to be in a really soft mood if he's the one initiating the kiss. If you want to kiss him, you've got to be good at reading his mood. A kiss at the wrong time is an easy way to annoy him. He knows you mean well, but he isn't completely accustomed to soft affection from most people. When he's in a really good mood he likes to kiss your forehead, then rest his head on top of yours and hold you close.

What's his ideal date?

If you accompany him to Egypt with the Stardust Crusaders, he'll settle for calling any free time a date. If you get a day of rest while looking for DIO, Polnareff will pressure him into inviting you out to spend some time together since you have a moment to breathe. When Joseph catches wind of what's going on, he tries to set up more opportunities for you to be alone together by volunteering himself and the other crusaders to take care of low-level stand users. Honestly, Jotaro is kind of bothered by the others getting involved in your love life, but at least you have some time together now... Yare yare...

Is he physically affectionate?

Jotaro isn't one for physical affection. He's only affectionate behind closed doors, and even then he doesn't do much. The only time he puts his hands on you in public is if you're in danger and he absolutely has to. As long as you don't do anything big like trying to hug or kiss him in public, he won't refuse physical affection from you. He actually kind of likes it when you hold on to one of his arms when you walk together (though he'll never admit it). When you're alone together he still isn't very touchy. He tends to wrap an arm around your shoulder when you're sitting together, but otherwise, you're not getting much from Jotaro when it comes to physical affection.

How does he show you he loves you?

It's easy to question Jotaro's love for you as he strays from physical affection and words of love, but he has his ways of showing you he loves you. He acts like he's ignoring you for the sake of looking all serious and brooding, but he's a very good listener! That thing you've been wanting to buy? He goes and gets it for you because he knew it'd make you happy. Is there a problem you've been struggling with? He'll help you out with it behind the scenes. He acts aloof when you realize that he was the one doing all these nice things for you, but he really does love you.

Does he get jealous?

Jotaro doesn't get jealous. If someone is bothering you he's more likely to get annoyed rather than jealous. He doesn't worry about your relationship so he doesn't stress himself with the idea of someone else sweeping you away. The only way another person would piss him off by talking to you is if he finds their voice annoying or they never shut up. The only time he gets involved with anyone flirting with you is if it makes you uncomfortable, even then, you have to come to him for help. Otherwise, he's perfectly happy with you handling your own business.

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