Hermione's Birthday

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Chapter 8.

Draco’s POV


I woke up, and immediately remembered that it was Hermione’s birthday. I supposed she had woken up too, because I could hear her squeal with excitement. I didn’t bother getting dressed yet, so I walked down into the common room in my pyjamas and sprawled out on the couch. Hermione had the same idea and came down too. She had a green tank top and black pants, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. I couldn’t help but notice that she was wearing the Slytherin colors.

    "Happy Birthday, Hermione!" I exclaimed.

    "Aw, thanks." She blushed, and I thought she looked sorta cute. Just after she said that, I heard tapping on a window upstairs. She went back upstairs to see a few owls, and they brought presents!

    "Oh my, they shouldn't have!" She said, and I went up to her room. She was opening about three or four presents, and I realized that I should probably get her one too. Potter got her a huge book, but I couldn't see the title.  Weasley and Weaslette gave her Invisible Ink and something that looked like candy, but they were called ‘Nosebleed Nougats’ and ‘Canary Creams’. Hermione laughed when she saw them.

“What did you get?” I asked, and she jumped.

“From Harry, I got a book of random spells that you wouldn’t learn in class, from Ron I got Invisible Ink, and from Ginny, I got some stuff from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, Fred and George- I mean George’s joke shop.” She said the last part sadly.  “It’s so nice of them to think of me.” she smiled again.

I went to get ready, and Hermione did the same. We walked down to the Great Hall together, which caused a lot of staring and whispering.

“A Slytherin and Gryffindor together? That’s strange,” someone whispered from behind me.  I whipped around, scowling in the direction of the whisper.  Hermione grabbed my hand and pulled me along, which only caused more whispers. I didn’t even hear them, over the sound of my beating heart.  Hermione was holding my hand! Why did it make me so nervous? She dragged me down to the Great Hall excitedly. ‘I don’t want her to eat alone on her birthday.’ I thought. As she sat at the Gryffindor table, I sat down opposite of her, at the Gryffindor table. A few sixth years sitting near us threw suspicious looks at Hermione, staring at me. What can I say? After all, I am very handsome. Nevertheless, I tried really hard to ignore them. I didn’t want to ruin Hermione’s birthday.  After we have eaten, I pulled her outside.

"Draco, what are you doing?" Hermione laughed, her bushy, brown hair getting blown around by the cold breeze.

“Come on!” I exclaimed, pulling her through the snow to Hogsmeade.

End of Chapter 8

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