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Chapter 26

Hermione’s POV


Three years had passed since Draco and I had moved into our flat.  I had just turned twenty-two and we lived happily together.  On my way back from the grocery store I picked up a page of the Prophet.  All the news seemed good, nothing bad.  I was way wrong.

I didn’t see the second page until I got home.  

“Hi Draco, I’m back,” I greeted him while walking through the door.

“Draco?” I asked, putting the groceries in the kitchen before making my way over to the couches.  I saw Draco hunched over the Prophet, a look of despair and annoyance on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I placed a hand on his shoulder and he showed me the page of the Prophet.


Lucius Malfoy Escapes From Azkaban

On the seventeenth day of October, High Security prisoner, Lucius Malfoy escaped from Azkaban Prison.


I stared at the page in horror.


“No, it’s fine Hermione,” He sighed, “I’m just worried…”

“That he’ll come after you,” I finished, “Oh Draco, I promise we’ll be fine.”

“Hermione, I got him sent to Azkaban, he’s going to come after me!” Draco explained, his expression filled with worry, “I’m not worried about myself, I’m worried about him coming after you.”

“Draco, we’re both going to be fine,” I vowed, kissing his cheek.

He smiled faintly, “I hope so.”

“We will be! Don’t doubt it!” I assured him, “Now, I picked up pizza on the way home; want to eat?”

He smiled, “Absolutely.”

We heated up the pizza, with magic of course, and ate our dinner.  Once we’d finished, I shoved the plates in the dishwasher, too tired to use magic to clean.  

Once I had introduced Draco to muggle movies and TV, we watched it almost every night.  When I told Harry, he found it hilarious that Draco enjoyed watching Hollywood classics with me.  Then again, I found it hilarious too.  

Once, after watching a long movie, we fell asleep on the couch.  That was a night I wish I could forget.  It was the first time in years we were attacked.  I should’ve known it was coming from the second my parents died.  You’re next, Mudblood, the wall had read.  

The door wasn’t broken down, it was unlocked by magic.  Someone entered the room; I could feel it, but I thought I was just dreaming.  It loomed over Draco and I, and Draco stirred.

“Hm, ‘Mione?” He asked, whispering in my ear.  

My eyes fluttered open and I saw who had entered the room.

I quietly reached for my wand, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco look up to see a man that he despised for so long.

“F-f-father?!” He stood up and stepped in front of me.

“You are not my son,” Lucius Malfoy sneered.

“You’re right; I’m not your son!” Draco snapped, and I looked over his shoulder, pointing my wand at Lucius.  

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