Stay Away From Me

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Chapter 5.

Draco’s POV

As I walked away, I was shaking with anger, and also guilt. What have I done? How could I do that to Hermione? A sweet girl who gave me a chance at becoming her friend, having a friend, when no one else would even come near me, and I practically threw the offer away. It was the middle of the day, and I still had to go to classes, but Hermione wasn’t in any of them, as far as I could tell. After my last class, I ran to the common room, checking to see if Hermione was there. I could hear her muffled sobs from upstairs. ‘I am a terrible person.’ I thought to myself. ‘I made Hermione Granger cry on the third day of classes, and she would never miss a day!’ I decided to talk to her in the morning, so I went up to bed, heartbroken, listening to the soft sniffles coming from the room next to me. In the morning, I woke at 6:30, not wanting to miss the chance to talk to Hermione. After I took a shower and got dressed, I went down to relax on the couches. Not knowing what to do, I picked up a book that was lying on the table. It was a muggle book called Romeo and Juliet. I read a few pages with curiosity, but put it down when I heard floorboards creaking upstairs. ‘Perfect, she’s awake.’ I thought nervously. She walked downstairs, took one look at me, and abruptly turned around and went back upstairs. I nearly laughed out loud at her stubbornness.

“Hermione, wait! I need to talk to you!” I called. She turned around furiously.

“About what? You’ve already said enough yesterday. I really thought you had changed for the better. I thought you were my friend. I guess I was wrong.” she said in a voice that made my heart break.

“I’m so, so sorry.” I said. “I didn’t mean to call you a mud-”

“A mudblood? Isn’t that what I really am? Your auntie Bellatrix seems to think so,” she snarled.

She walked up close to me, yanked up her sleeve, and showed me the ghastly scar on her forearm.

“Mudblood.” she said. “Here it is, permanently scarred on my arm, because it’s true.”

“Please, let me make it up to you. I am so very sorry. I really am,” I begged.

“You’ll do anything?” she asked, and my heart soared.

“Yeah, anything.” I said hopefully.

“Okay, then stay away from me. And with that, she picked up her bag, and stormed off to

the Great Hall.


End of Chapter 5

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