Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sun that is peeking out of my blinds through the window. I felt awake, but my eyes didn't feel like opening to the world just yet. I continue to lay in bed facing away from the blinds. Something told me to wake up but I didn't know what it was just yet.

Finally, I open my eyes and noticed that my room was different, my phone wasn't on the nightstand charging anymore. Oh dear god, where is my phone? I could've sworn I left it there to charge last night before I went to sleep; The panic level is starting to rise as I realized that everything in my room was different. Even on my desk, my laptop isn't on my desk charging anymore. Now that I thought about it, there was no electronics in my room: no phone, television, laptop, etc. And the decorations in my room were different, just what exactly is going on?

This made me get out of bed and investigate on what's going on, something in gut is telling me that something is very wrong and I'm not just talking about the different bedroom, Now that I realized it, the more I look around my room, the more I also realized that I'm thinking that I'm somewhere else.

Something in my mind tells me to venture out of my bedroom and open my front door to check to see if there is anything else that is different. I recognized this place as my hometown, but it looked old. It had that "homey" feel that I was looking for in life. It also felt like that this is where I belong, even if there is something different.

On my doormat, was the newspaper. I felt that was strange cause a. I've never read the newspaper in my entire life, b. I don't remember having this here and c. When did people started to get the newspaper more. With shaky hands, I picked up the newspaper off the ground and brought it inside of my home and began to read it.

"1976... But then-" I stopped myself, now things were starting to make sense.

If what the newspaper says is correct, then I must have traveled back in time in my sleep to the year 1976?! No wonder why everything looked different. But why the year 1976? I guess I always said that I belonged in the 1970's more than the year of 2021. Well, I'm not too upset.

Something in my brain clicked as I walked inside of my home with the newspaper still in my hands. What if this is my chance of finding my soulmates? What if my soulmates and I never lived in the same time period. My hearts skipped a beat and fluttered with joy at the possibility of finding my forever guys.

While I was looking at the newspaper, my stomach growled for food. A sheepish smilie was on my face at the thought of food and I hesitantly went to the fridge to look for food.

I peeked inside of my fridge only to see the necessities and nothing for me to eat. I huffed; I needed to go shopping and get a hair cut, it's been a long time since I got my haircut. A nervous pit was forming into my stomach because this is the first time I realized that I would be going out of my home in a time period that I've only ever heard about and have never experienced. However, at the same time, I started to become curious as to what it's like living in the 1970's.

To my amazement, my closet was fully stocked with clothes my size in true 70's fashion, including bell bottoms and tartan style clothes. So that must be what people worn in the 1970's.

I slipped on this outfit:

I slipped on this outfit:

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