Chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke to find the bed empty. I frowned a bit till I smelled something amazing coming from the kitchen. I got out of bed and walked out of the master bedroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen to find Ian cooking breakfast.

I creeped up behind him and back hugged him. He sighed softly at my contact and smiled, he rubbed my arm with one hand while he kept cooking with the other.

After he finished cooking, we sat down in the dining room and ate our breakfast.

"Hey Ian, I meant to ask you of this yesterday and it must have slipped my mind

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"Hey Ian, I meant to ask you of this yesterday and it must have slipped my mind." I said as I'm eating my breakfast.

"What's that love?" Ian asked me as he eats his breakfast as well.

"When will I meet the rest of the band and my soulmates?" I asked him as I eat my eggs.

"You'll meet them soon, they are visiting their families for the weekend" Ian said as he finishes his breakfast.

"Oh that must be nice, it must be hard for them to visit their families." I said as I finished my breakfast.

"Yeah, but it's worth it in the end because of our fans." He said as grabbed my plate and his and kissed my cheek and went to the kitchen to wash our plates.

I blushed at the contact and went into the kitchen to help clean up from kitchen.


Ian was taking a shower while I went to the garden to meditate.

I get into my pose and start to meditate.

As I was meditating, I felt like I was being watched by people

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As I was meditating, I felt like I was being watched by people.

"Who do you think she is?" one mysterious voice said.

"I don't know, I've never seen her around before" Another mysterious voice said.

"Let's go check it out" the first mysterious voice said.

The two mysterious men walked slowly to the garden where I was meditating and knelt down beside me.

"You get her attention" the first voice told the second voice.

"No, you do it" the second voice told the first one.

"Alright that's it" I mentally said as I open my eyes wide and look at them in anger.

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"I hope that you both have fast feet" I told them as I got up from my pose and stalked towards them as they started to walk backwards

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"I hope that you both have fast feet" I told them as I got up from my pose and stalked towards them as they started to walk backwards.

They looked at each other in fear and ran from the garden as I chase them inside the house.

I chased them through the kitchen through the foyer and up the stairs where the bed rooms were.

"Keep running Alan" the first mysterious voice said.

"You too Derek" the second mysterious voice said as they kept running.

"Why do I feel like I know those names before" I mentally thought as I kept chasing them.

I chased them all the way through the living room when I felt arms around my waist and was brought back to a chest.

I struggled against the arms for a bit until the familiar voice I know so well whispered in my ear "leave them alone, they are my band mates and friends, it's not your fault that they haven't seen a girl in their life's."

I chuckled at his words and relaxed against his chest. Unaware of the two other males in the room, who are looking at each other in confusion.

"Um, Ian?" Derek asked

"Aren't you going to tell us who's the lovely lady in your arms is?" Alan asked

"She's my soulmate" Ian told them.

Alan and Derek looked at each other.

"I knew it! I won the bet, Alan pay up!" Derek told his brother as he got excited as he eagerly held out his hand.

Alan groaned and put a 20 pound sterling in his hand.

"I'm sorry what now?" I asked as I'm still in Ian's arms.

"Oh yeah, we had a bet about what gender would be Ian, woody and Eric's soulmate be." Derek said

"And..."  I prompted to continue on what ever stupid bet that they had.

"And Alan voted for boy, while I voted for girl" Derek said

I looked at Ian who was dumbfounded as I was.

"Ian, my love; did you know about the bet?" I asked his as one my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"No, I had no idea about the bet either." Ian said as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders.

"And this is why your smart" I said as I smiled at him and he smiles at me and we rubbed our foreheads together.

"So lads, when did you make the bet and when were you going to tell me about the bet" Ian said as he walked up to the two brothers.

"When you first joined the band and when you first found your first two soulmates, when we saw that you had your fourth soul-mark, that's when the bet started" Derek said.

"I see" Ian said as he looked at Derek and then Alan and then at me and smile at winked. I smiled in return.

"Well boys, hope you both have fast feet, Ian get them!" I shouted as the Ian chased the two brothers whiled I smiled and went to shower.

Well, the reader met the first two members of the bay city rollers, who will she meet next and when will she meet her other two soulmates? Find out in the next chapters!

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