Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up and found Ian sleeping soundly next to me and I smiled at the sight of him. "He's so cute when he sleeps." I mentally thought as I kissed his cheek and I got up to make breakfast.

I made this for breakfast

I made this for breakfast

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"Boys, time for breakfast" I yelled from the bottom of stairs

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"Boys, time for breakfast" I yelled from the bottom of stairs

There was a thunder footsteps barreling down the stairs as I attempted to move out of the way from the mess.

"Did you say breakfast?" the boys asked

"Yep, in the dining room." I said as I gestured the dining room.

The brothers ran into the dining room while Ian walked over to me and smiled at me.

"Thanks love."  He said as he pecked me on the nose and grabbed my hand as we went into the dining room to eat with the two brothers.


While me, Ian and the two brothers were eating breakfast in the dining room, two more members of the band arrive home.

"Man, I'm exhausted" Les said as he got out of the car and stretched his limbs.

"Yeah me too, I'm hungry but at least we got to see our families for the weekend." Pat said as he also got out of the car and stretched his limbs as well.

"Yeah me too it was nice seeing my family this weekend, but I'm hungry let's eat breakfast." Les told Pat as they walked to the house.

They stopped when they notice a Ford Pontiac Grand sitting in the driveway of the home.

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