Chapter 23

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Luke woke up with a pounding headache. He couldn't keep his eyes open, the bright light from above him forcing him to squeeze them shut.

He could hear a whirring sound, almost like a motor and feel the fact that he was gently being rocked. Was he in a car? He was lying halfway back, like the chair he was in was a recliner or something.

    He moaned as his eyes fluttered open, not focusing on anything. He blinked a few times, raising his hands to wipe the crust off his eyes, only to find his hands were stuck.

    Trapped, again, he thought solemnly, looking down to find the rope tied around his body.

Luke was still reeling over the fact that Niall had been helping Michael. Had they always been in cahoots? Was it recent? Did Niall ever want to be his friend, or was it a ploy the whole time?

He struggled in his binds to see if there was something loose that he could get out of, but the ropes held. They were biting into his wrists and ankles, rubbing the skin raw. He figured he might be bleeding if they didn't let him out of here soon. He was facing a wall, he couldn't see much around him.

"Oh, I see you're awake, baby," came a voice from behind him.

He couldn't see him, but he recognized Michael's voice.

"Mike, you gotta let me go," he told him. Maybe speaking confidently would help him realize this plan was insane.

"Hm," Michael paused to consider. "Nah."

Luke shook his head.

"What I need you to do though, is call up your buddy Calum. Tell him you've got a lead on where Ashton is, and you need him to meet us at this address," Michael rotated the chair he was sitting in and held a paper up in front of his face. Luke flinched, not realizing he was that close.


Michael sighed.

"You don't need to know why, you just need to listen to me, Luke. Do as I say and this can go much easier," he threatened, lowering his voice and bringing his face close to Luke's. The blonde did his best not to flinch away.

"F-fine, I'll make the call."

Michael stood up straight and grinned.

"Thanks, baby, I knew I could count on you!"

"Untie me, and then I'll call him." Luke tried to remain innocent. If he could get out, he could try to overwhelm Michael again.

Michael laughed, hugging his stomach as he cackled on for a long time.

"You don't need your arms. I don't trust you not to fight back. You've learned some new moves since I've been gone, very tricky. I wasn't anticipating that, Lu, that was impressive." He shook his head, messing up his hair even more than before. "I'm not falling for that again. I'll hold the phone for you."

Luke sighed. His wrists were getting sore from the rope, and his arms were numb from being in the same spot for a long time. He couldn't feel one of his feet, and knew the circulation was cut off. He was tied very tight. They were scared of him, he realized.

He looked down at his left hand, realizing Michael had put the engagement ring back on.

"Here, it's dialing. I swear if you act even the slightest bit suspicious, your precious Ashton will be gone."

Luke felt like he wanted to throw up, but he had no time to panic before Michael was thrusting the phone to his ear. The speaker played the ring until the other end was picked up.

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