4: If you ever loved me

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Hey guys, I have changed Kit character to phana. So Beam's brother will be Phana.
Love ya💕


“The World Famous singer of group SOTUS, THE FORTH JATURAPHOOM, engaged yesterday with another SINGER PRING, a famous sing- . “     lam turn of the radio playing in their car. Lam and forth were on their way to "Jaturaphoom's" building after their short shoot. Lam look at his friend who has leaned his head on the window, eyes closed.

Lam: dude, you are everywhere literally. I am tired of this engagement drama of yours now. Wherever I go, everyone like you engaged with pri-

Forth: Shut up.

Forth snap at lam.  He never thought this day would come. He was getting married to someone else other than his beam, someone who he didn’t even love. He has now lost trust on that word. ‘LOVE’. Everything changed after that day. The day he showed world the true face of beam. He closed his eyes as the memory flashed in front of his eyes. How he pushed beam in front of the hungry fandom of his. He watched how people were harassing, touching and making harsh comment towards him. Though he was the reason behind that state of beam, he couldn’t bring himself to watch the man he once loved in pain. He hurried outside but he was late. When he went outside, reports surround him from every side. He watched beam running out of there holding his child in his hands like his life depend on it. That was the last time he saw him. Next morning when he woke up by yelling of lam. Then lam showed him the severity of his actions he did yesterday. His fans have severally injured the person who look like beam, thinking it was beam. His heart skipped the thought of beam, out there, alone. His fandom was crazy. They could serious harm Beam if he caught in their hands. They managed to hide that news with money but forth was now regretting his actions. When he first knew about beam’s betrayal. He was angry but later decide that he would set beam free with whoever he want to live with in his life. He never thought of causing pain and humiliation to beam. But he lost control seeing beam in front of him, caring for other man’s child. After that news, he went to orphanage, where beam grown up, thinking he would just see him from afar. Make sure he is okay. But beam was not there. They said he went there but they didn’t take him in. that place was like a home to beam. It was beam’s dearest place. Forth’s heart clenched at the thought of pain beam would have suffer by throwing out of place he once treasure to him. After that he tried to find beam for one year. But he didn’t find any person named Beam Jaturaphoom. He stopped searching for him. May be he have settled somewhere with father of his child.

The car stopped taking Jungkook out of this thoughts. He looked around. They had stopped at the back side of the building which was secret. After his engagement news came out he knew there must be lot of fans and reporters will be on front gate. He looked outside, Lam has already went out and looking at him with bored expression. He signed. It’s always been like after beam have left.  He step out of the car and turn to the side where the door was, only to stand frozen in place. It was him. Beam. Seating on the nearby bench, looks like waiting for someone.  Forth wanted to go and hug beam, but his mind was showing him the memory of Beam holding that bastard child. He stand there, frozen. Lam seems to notice forth’s frozen state and look at the direction he was looking. He looked at the distant man in puzzled. He couldn’t figure out who he was. But he was sure forth has figured out. How could forth not figure out who it was? It was the man, he once loved.

Forth’s expression hardened as he saw beam come towards him slowly. He was boring eyes on beam. As beam get got even closer. Forth’s expression changed from hardened to horror. He looked at the tall, thin figure of beam. Too thin. Beam was now half of the size, when forth has last saw him. The cloths he was wearing were old, Color fading here and there. He was wearing a turtle neck sweater and a coat on it.  He was wearing a cap covering his forehead which was covered with his bangs. He couldn’t even see small skin of his forehead. He was so thin that he could see his cheekbone’s popping out.

Forth was looking at beam he didn’t catch when beam came and stand in front of him. Looking at him in his eyes.

Beam: Mr. Jaturaphoom. I want you to come with me this instant?

(Beam said with the expression that forth couldn’t even read, taking forth out of his thoughts.)

Forth; Where?

Beam: To hospital to do bone marrow compatibility test with my son. He is suffering from cancer. I want you to take the test for once.

(Forth thought beam would ask for forgiveness. Tell him sorry. Beg for his forgiveness. But the moment forth bring that bastard child’s name forth’s face filled with angry expression. After all those years, beam still thinking of that bastard child of his.)

Forth: and why do you thing that I would do that?  (Forth asked in cold voice.)

Forth: this would be the last thing I want you to do for me, as a goodbye gift to your once love.

Forth: TSK, goodbye gift. My ass. The goodbye gift you gave me was so great that I couldn’t forget it after all these years.

Beam: please. Just this once. I will never show my face to you again.

Forth: I will come. But I have condition.

Beam: what?

Forth: put your head on the shoes of my driver.

(Forth himself shocked that he has asked beam to do that. He has decided long ago that he would never cause beam humiliation again but here he was asking him to do such thing. He was dying to spend some time with beam.)

Forth watched with horrified face when beam bend down in front of his driver. He could see lam was telling him to stop. But beam didn’t listen. Forth watched as beam lean down and put his head on his driver’s shoes, who was telling him to stop. He watched as beam’s head touched those dirty shoes. He noticed the single tear fell from beam’s eyes, that beam wipe before anyone could see it. He watched as beam stand up and come in front of him. Face to face with him. Eyes boring at him.

Beam: “after two hour. Bangkok central hospital. Gate no. 2. I will wait for you their Mr. Jaturaphoom. Please show up as a last goodbye gift if you ever loved me in your life.”

With that beam get out of there taking long steps. Living forth in daze.

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