10: slum & meeting son

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double update for you guys.

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love ya


On the other side of the city, someone was sleepless just like Beam, scared like him but somewhat happy because of what is going to happen tomorrow. The workers has left nearly 10pm after decorating the room for Beam and His son, so Forth now laying in his bed, sleep nowhere to be seen. His mind was playing that "He should not have" game with him. Like, He should have not listen to his mother's words. He should have not believed that fake DNA report. He should not have done that horrible thing to his most loved person. He should not have called name to his son. But he knew, there was no point of that now. Things have already happened, and he blamed himself for that.

His mind his son. He saw his son's photo on his medical records this evening. Beam was right, he looked just like him. Those chubby cheeks, shiny eyes, blonde straight hair and that precious bunny smile, just like him. He should have listen to Beam and seen the baby's face. Then it would have been all good now. He was excited to meet his son. This night felt like a years to him. He wanted this night to pass quickly and meet his son and Beam in first thing in the morning. Once he bring his love and his son here with him, he would make all things good. He will pamper them with love and care. He will hug and pamper his son with all kinds of toys, sweets, cloths, whatever he want. He wanted to hear his son calling him daddy. He couldn't wait to meet his little sunshine.

Forth looked at the big round clock in his room. 4 am! He didn't even realize it's already morning. He stood from his bed and settled the blanket, before going to bathroom. He remember this was the thing that Beam complain about him and make him do his bed every day, making it his lifetime habit. He smiled at the sweet memory he have with Beam and went into bathroom to do his morning routine.

Now, exactly after one hour, Forth was standing in Lam's room to wake him up. The later told him last night that he would accompany him to Beam's place, and Forth gladly accept because he was hella nervous to meet his son. And it would be awkward if it's only he and Beam like in hospital the other day. Forth looked at his best friend, who was asleep messily with his pouty lips in his king sized bed. He nudged Lam's arm a little but the guy didn't even stir from his sleep. He tried few more times.

Forth: lam, wake up. Its time, go take shower.

lam: Mmm, Its only 5, it's still early forth. Didn't you said we will go at 7?

Forth: yeah. But you take so much time to get ready. So I thought I should wake you up early. I don't want us to be late. Now get up.

Forth said as he forcefully ripped Lam's blanket from him and make him stand up beside his bed. Lam glared at him annoyingly but still went in the bathroom lazily.

lam: Brat.

Forth: Yeah I know, I am brat. Now go.

Forth smiled at his friend's behavior. He is even deep sleeper than deeper voice of his. He made his way out from Lam's room, thinking he would make coffee for him and Lam before they head out. He halt in his step, when he saw kit sitting on the kitchen cabinet sipping whatever in his big cup. He said morning to his friend taking his attention while taking out milk from the fridge.

kit: what is going on? Why are you dressed in suit at 5 in the morning?

kit asked wanting to know why Forth wearing black tuxedo and styled his hairs early in the morning, who has now put the milk to boil. Forth stopped whatever he was doing and looked at him. Did he really forgot such important thing?

Forth: You forgot? I am going to bring Beam and Han here today.

kit: Ohh! It kind off slipped from my mind. Did you want me to tag along?

Kit knew it would be difficult for all of them including Beam to live in one house after what happened. But he also agreed to Forth's decision. He knew it was the only way he could have Beam back to him if possible.

Forth: Thanks but Lam is coming with me. How is Phana ?

kit: Not good. Its too much for him. He wasted at bar last night untill he passed out. How are you holding up?

Forth: Not good phi. I am barely holding myself to. Everytime I close my eyes, Beam's face came in front of my eyes. I feel like a monster phi. I doubt Beam would ever forgive me.

kit: Hmm. Look kook, I think its you at fault here. In the past, even if we thought Beam betray you but the way you treated him was way more worse than what we thought he done to you. I don't know he will forgive you or not but it will be really difficult for you to persue him again. Don't forget you called his son names for years.

Forth: I am regretting that kit

lam: Lets go, I am ready.


Forth and Lam's nose scrunch in disgust once they entered in Beam's neighborhood. The GPS says 500 meters from the destination and they couldn't take their car from here as the streets are way too small. Living in rich places from the young age, it was their first time visiting a place like this. The road were all dirty, dirty water running from both sides, small houses that has not even a meter space between them and that disgusting smell. Forth looked at Lam, who looked like he could vomit any moment. Forth would never thought he would find Beam in place like this. No wonder his son is sick and Beam look so pale also. He took out a small box from car containing sweets and toys that they had picked on the day for his son, and headed to the destination the GPS was showing. People were looking at them with aww, like they have seen alien, they were shouting for others to come from house and see them. Lam was making disgusting sounds and carefully taking his steps not wanting to dirty his brand new shoes. He must be regretting them wearing today. But on the other hand, all these things were negligible to Forth, as he was really nervous for first visit to his son. He was dying to meet him all night but as the moment get closer it was making him nervous. What if Beam has told him what he had done and he don't want to accept him?

They stopped as the GPS said they arrived at the destination. Forth looked around, people were still watching them like crazy. He looked at the three story building in front of him. It looks like hostel kind of thing as it has lot of doors. May be some chip rent place. He once again looked at the address Beam had given him. "Second floor, Block No. 45". They entered the building and started to climb the stairs. Lam let out a big sigh as he breath a good smell and he removed his handkerchief from his mouth which was protecting him from all that disgusting smell. Forth walked along the hallway counting the numbers on each door. 41, 42 ...43,............44.,.............................................................45.

Forth signaled Lam that this was the door. He could feel his hands sweating due to nervousness to knock on the door. Nonetheless he took a deep breath and knock on the door. He hold his breathing, knowing the door would open at any moment, but it didn't happen. He waited for some time. But still no answer. He knocked again, looking at Lam who was doing something on phone. The door didn't open, but the voice came from inside. The voice Forth was longing to hear. The sweet, and childish voice just like his voice when he was young.

"Sorry 'Mr. On that side of door', Papa is in the bathroom, so I can't open the door because I don't know who you are? Papa said don't open door for strangers. So please say your name so that I will know who you are and open the door."

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Where stories live. Discover now